Wednesday, December 8, 2010


After many long weeks of reviewing video applications to help an extraordinary eligible bachelor we have come to our decision!  There is no one more deserving than our own RICK BUCK!  You may remember Rick from his 1st and 2nd dates with Aubrey during the last go around.  He was so motivated to find true love that he put together an AMAZING application video that we just couldn't keep to ourselves.  Enjoy!

Now it is time for all of you single females to get involved! Click on the link on the upper-left hand side of the site to apply for the opportunity to go on a date or two with Rick. Here are the rules:
1. Ladies will plan the first date, but will not have to pay for their date.
2. If you are from out of town (Rick lives in Rancho Cucamonga) you will have to provide your own transportation and accommodations.
3. Applications will be accepted until December 31st.
Take our word for it - Rick Buck is a catch!  E-mail if you have any questions and Happy Holidays!


Janessa said...
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Andrea said...

Reason #3...some wicked video skills...or friends with wicked video skills. How Fun!

Geoff said...

Holy not surprise, Batman.

Geoff said...

Holy not surprised, Batman.

Bless you, Rick.

Christa Jeanne said...

Awwww, yay! Rick's great. I've known him since we were in a BYU ward together seven years ago. He totally is a catch - I look forward to watching his "season" unfold!

Andrea said...

Yay for Rick! I had a few classes with him in high school and seminary as well and he was a hoot! I'm so excited for him and hope he finds someone special because he is such an awesome guy!

Shayla said...

So. awesome.

The Dark Family said...

YAAAAAY! I have been waiting for this reveal for a while! I'm so excited! This is gonna be a great season! and yes, amazing video work!

Kim Messick said...

This video had me rolling! I think that Rick deserves someone as great as he is...Good luck Rick!

The House That Lars Built said...

holy. moly.

Kelly said...

I think we are in for fun ride!

Janna said...

NO WAY. This is going to be so entertaining!

Janna said...

No way. This season is going to be so entertaining! P.S. - The editing on your intro video was amazing.

Elizabeth Downie said...

haha.... that was really funny. The shower scenes were hilarious and unexpected. The "Axe" in the background was a nice touch. Too funny.

Ashley said...

Looking forward to this season! If I didn't live so far away or if I had the funds to travel there, I'd so apply. Rick seems like quite the catch.

Natasha and Jesse said...

Awesome video!! Axe was nice, I bet he could have gotten Old Spice in there too... Yay for Rick!

Jenna Hansen said...

YESSSSSSSS!!!!! Awesome!!! Good luck Rick!!! Can't wait!

The HousewifeTravels said...

He had me at Disneyland. Love that guy.

Oyama Family said...

Holy Cow, that was a sa-weet video! Such a sense of humor, this is gonna be fun to follow. Good luck Rick!

meredith c. said...

i am afraid to apply, cos i will swoon so hard, i might die if not picked. SUCH A DILEMMA. give me advice, advisory couple. xo mere

thegibbys said...

O...M...G! hahah That guy is funny! Can't wait for another season.

Angie said...

Ya, that was awesome. Baha! Definitely going to need an outgoing girl to match his energy!

PS.. I think you should show us some of the runner up video's... I bet there were some good ones! (though of course hands down I'm sure Rick's was the best)

fezzik said...

This KILLS me! BAHAHA! I'm so happy I stumbled upon this delightful adventure.

anna said...

what a great guy! that's an awesome vid. if i lived in rancho cucamonga, i'd date him! ;)

good luck, rick!