Tuesday, April 19, 2011


After an incredible response to a call for the next Mormon Bachelorette we are excited to announce that there are more amazing LDS women out there than ever who are ready and looking for Mr. Right! Enjoy a few of our best and get ready to be wowed.

Meet Joleen from Lubbock, Texas

Most memorable childhood memory - Do I have to pick just one? Riding on my dad's motorcycle with him, he would set me on the front, tell me to hang on, and then remind me not to tell my mom "that we did this". - I always felt very rebellious. Or when my sister and I spent an entire summer one year, sleeping outside every night - I must have been about 12, we would lay there at night and talk about whatever 12 and 8 year olds talk about and now that I look back it was magical.

Best physical feature - My eyes...or my smile, can it be a tie?

Best quality - I used to think it was a weakness but I would say that my favorite quality is that I love easily. I don't need grand gestures, speeches or elaborate gifts. I love people the minute they do something nice for me or someone else I love, its almost involuntary - like I can't stop it. It just wells up inside and all the sudden I have to give them a hug, or I might explode.

Why are you ready to find Mr. Right? - For a lot of years I have been putting other people's needs before my own in a sort of self-defeating way. The past few years have taught me so much about my own strength and vulnerabilities. Now I see that, that which makes me vulnerable, also makes me beautiful. I have decided that I am ready to trust someone else completely. I understand that it won't be easy.  He will need to be patient, but I am ready for the challenge.

What would your last boyfriend say about you? - He would say that I am compassionate, he would say that I spoiled him, he would say that I am a great kisser. He would say that I don't see myself clearly. He would say that I am terrible at being assertive when it comes to my own needs (I have worked a lot on that since then, he was right).

Most embarrassing moment? - Okay so one night my best friend and I turned on a movie (Hotel Rwanda) and when it was over, we were so overcome with sadness (its about the racial genocide in Rwanda) that we thought the best way to cure it would be to go to an improv comedy show - to lift our spirits. Our good friend, "Tilt" was a member of the comedy troop. We sat on the front row and were so excited to be entertained. As with most improv shows - audience participation is encouraged. In my over-zealous effort to lift my mood I was DETERMINED to participate. At one point they asked the audience for "a world crisis" - in my haste I yelled out - "GENOCIDE" - Tilt turned to me and yelled "Jo, Genocide is NOT funny." Everyone burst into laughter and I wanted to crawl under my chair. He was right - genocide is never funny.

Greatest accomplishment so far - Obviously I am pleased with my education and my professional accomplishments but for me its the small, daily things that seem to be the biggest accomplishments in my life.  You know - all the stuff we know we should be doing but they sometimes just get lost in the busy-ness? So, the daily, personal goals I have set for myself over the years mean the most to me. Daily scriptures, prayer, running etc. I am excited when I fill my day the right way -- its the greatest accomplishment.

What is one of your quirks? - When I place my items on the belt at the grocery store, I have this deep need to put them in a certain order. Produce first, then frozen items, then other cold items, then cans, then boxes, then non-food items in order of size. I don't have a logical reason for doing it, but I can't just throw things up there willy-nilly, I have tried, it makes me cringe.

Worst Date - I can't think of anything specific, but a date is totally ruined for me if the man doesn't have a plan. I am completely turned off when we get in the car and he says, "So what should we do?" - really?

Best Date - My favorite dates always include trying something new. Whether it be trying a new restaurant or a new activity, I am all about experiencing something for the first time with someone new. Or doing things that remind me of being a kid, like flying kites. (Oh... I have never been but I am fairly certain that my favorite date might include one of the following: an air show (I LOVE JETS) or some sort of class (cooking, pottery, dance, whatever, I just think learning is fun).

Did you serve a mission? - Yes, I served in the Zurich Switzerland Mission. What would the elders say about you? - Humm... good one. They would probably say that I was funny. They might mention that when things got really stressful I would get a smidgen bossy. At the end of the day I think they would say that they knew I loved it, they knew I persevered through the hard times without complaining.

What did you study in school and why? - I was originally an English Literature major, and then one day I woke up and decided that it wasn't structured enough for me, so I decided to check business out. I took my first accounting class, and you could sort of say it was love at first... balance? I love accounting! It all makes sense and everything always lines up in nice little columns and rows. When the world doesn't make sense, at least accounting does. Where did you go to college? - I got my Associates at CEU (College of Eastern Utah) and my Bachelors and Masters Degree at SUU (Southern Utah University), then I worked in public accounting in Salt Lake for a couple of years, and now I am pursuing at PhD in Accounting from TTU (Texas Tech University). It sounds boring, but I promise it can be fun!

What is one thing that not a lot of people know about you that you want to share here with the world? - I have a secret desire to have my backyard featured in Better Homes and Gardens magazine one day, I want people to ooh and ah at my garden. (Presently I have no gardening skills whatsoever, but I am working on it) Oh and I still struggle to spell the word "inconvenient". You would think I would have it down by now but nope, it gets me every time!


Wendy Kremin said...

I've know Joleen for her entire life, and she is a very wonderful woman. She is talented, pretty, funny, fun, clever, smart, athletic, loveable, compassionate, spiritual, service oriented, always ready to laugh or make others laugh....and the list goes on. She will make a great wife and mother because she naturally has the selfless gift of seeing others needs and responding with love. She has excelled in her life goals and therefore whomever she chooses to marry will have to be a "go-get-her" kind of person. She gives straight from the heart in a sincere and honest way. What you see is what you get. I love Joleen so I think you should pick her. :)

Melissa said...

Yay Joleen! Joleen is the most lovely and welcoming person I know...she welcomed me into the church with open arms when I became LDS in 2009. Love her to bits!

Anonymous said...

They don't come any better than that! Pick her!

Anonymous said...

Joleen, I think you would be an awesome Bachelorette. I would watch it!

Idontcare said...

Joleen is sweet and confident and funny! I really think she brings a lot to the table. Go Jo!

Lon said...

Who ever knew an accountant could be so interesting? Joleen is the best!

kks said...

How cute is she? You should totally choose her! Go Joleen!

Unknown said...

She is precious!!! And a great example of how accountants can be cool :)
Definitely my vote for the #1 Bachelorette!

Lynae Bae said...

Pick her!!! She is a gem and she deserves this new adventure! It really seems liker she is the type of person that would take the outcome of this experience(no matter what it is) and learn from it and make it a positive influence in her life. Plus, isn't she so beautiful?! Pick her!!!

Taylor Family said...

Joleen is the best! She is open and honest and REAL! What you see if what you get! She is fun and exciting and lives life fully. Rootin' for ya girl!

labibi said...

This is exciting! I don't know anyone who has better taste in cardigans, is a better cook, or a better person. I hope this Bachelor guy is good enough....

Matt B said...

Wow... That's all I have to say. WOW!

Q-Train said...

The total package. No, wrestling fans, we are not talking about Lex Luger. We are talking about the often imitated but never duplicated Joleen.

Joleen has it all. If you have the ability to overcome being mesmerized by her gorgeous smile and avoid drowning in her amazing eyes, you find out it gets even better from there.

She is witty and fun. Even the most unenjoyable tasks become a pleasure when she is around. She is very intelligent but never arrogant about it.

How do you spell Joleen? T-O-T-A-L P-A-C-K-A-G-E

Becca said...

Pick Joleen!!! I served my mission with her--she was a really amazing missionary, with a beautiful smile and amazing drive. I think she absolutely deserves a shot at this.

Lin Humphrey said...

Joleen is an amazing catch. I know her from our Ph.D. program. She's smart, witty, and has one of the funniest senses of humor I've come across. I think she'd be PERFECT for a show like this--the suitors would be competing bigtime for her! :)

Trynda said...

Joleen is one of the sweetest, loving, and energetic people I know. She is so fun to be around, and her zest for life is very contagious. Good Luck Jo, love you.

david said...

You go Joleen! Love ya tons!!!

Oma said...

I was really impressed with Jo's application. She is such a special lady and I think who she is really shines through. She can make any situation a good one, with her amazing smile and attitude. Good luck!

Natalie said...

How exciting! I would love to watch Joleen embark on this adventure!!

Jesenia said...

Amazing woman, beautiful & confidant!! She would be great!!

The Spafford Fam said...

I have always looked up to Joleen. She has always followed her dreams. She is one of the smartest people i know but not in a "geeky way", but a "your so cool way" if that makes any sense. Joleen is so beautiful both physically and spiritually. She is the funniest person I know. When we get together at family things i love to sit and visit with her because I know that I will be laughing so hard by the time were done. Joleen deserves to do this. She is an awesome person and it would be so cool if she could find Mr. Right!!! Love you Joleen!!!

Samazing said...

I'm in Joleen's ward, and just the other night she hosted a "minute to win it" games night with a whole big group of us! It was so much fun! Joleen is down-to-earth, fun, and gives good advice. She's a good friend and a great hugger, too!

Unknown said...

Joleen is pretty awesome!!! Joleen and I moved to Texas at about the same time and she was one of the first people I met. Even though we didn't know each other very well she helped me to feel welcome and accepted. Joleen has such a big heart and deserves to be loved by someone who can give her as much love as she gives out!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jessika said...

Jo is an amazing person! So sweet, funny and perfectly sarcastic. She would be great for this!

Unknown said...

Jolene is a funny person! Every time we get together, she is the "life of the party" because she makes everyone feel welcome and comfortable. I totally enjoy her company. She is nice, straightforward, and just a great person to be around. Good luck Jo on finding "Mr. Right"!

Emily said...

Amazing girl- inside & out! She deserves this incredible experience!

Matt B said...

She's the bomb! Jo would be the BEST Mormon Bachelorette ever!

Utah Politico said...

Jo is the bombdiggity. Hope she makes the final cut!

Kathryn Lewis said...

I don't think I could say enough wonderful things about this girl. Truly. She is the real deal. And props to her for being oh so brave and putting herself out here...she deserves this chance! I would love, love, love to watch Joleen on Mormon Bachelorette!

Lyss said...

I LOVE Joleen. She is an amazing girl. She has an amazing heart. I have known Joleen for a couple of years and she is very service oriented. She loves to help others. She loves to laugh and have fun and be with others. She is kind and her testimony of the gospel is very strong. She is the kind of girl who guys truly would want to marry!

Janeheiress said...

Joleen is more amazing, and fun, and fascinating the more you get to know her! One of the most genuine and realistic people I've ever known. She would be a top notch choice for this!

Chris said...

Wow, seriously, where do you start with Jolean. I have known her for several years. Being one of my best friends in college, I know first hand that she is caring, loving, supportive, hard working, extremely intelligent, dang good looking, and a person that set my standard for having a pure love for life. And to top it all, she is spiritual but not boring which is sometime hard to find :) I can say at this point that any man that wouldn't find Jolean to be the perfect match is a complete moron. The only kicker is will he be the perfect match for her? There you have it. I love you Jolean!!!!

crush said...

I don't even know where to begin. Jo is one of the greatest, most genuine people I know. Really. She is smart, sweet, honest, open, happy, funny, bold, loving, caring. I'm not just saying that either. Jo would be perfect for this show because she would make it great for the viewers. Seriously. It would be funny, sweet, spiritual and inspiring. Jo has a way of making you feel better than you are. She inspires you to be better. She isn't even a mom yet, but has taught me so much about being a mother. I really hope you choose her! My kids will be devastated if you don't and I just might have to bill you for the emotional trouble....... ;o)

Anonymous said...

Joleen would be the best choice for the Mormon Bachelorette! She is the sweetest person in the world and deserves this chance!!!

Unknown said...

Though Joleen has been in my ward for a few months I haven't been able to get to know her on a personal basis but what I've seen and heard is amazing. I've seen that she is abnormally kind-I've never heard her anything mean about anyone, she is smart, absolutely stunningly beautiful, well accomplished in many areas-especially homemaking, she is funny, spiritual, compassionate, she is everyone's friend and everyone I know loves her to death, and she is simply amazing. Men are insane for not stealing her up before now because she is just so wonderful!

Hope said...

I'm interested to see who else applies, because it sounds like Jo will be a hard one to beat. Look how gorgeous she is and apparently she's just as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside. I'm a goal-setter myself but I usually bomb out on my goals pretty quickly - I'm impressed by Jo's determination to see things thru and work towards improvement and progression in this life. I love the comment someone made about her planning a minute-to-win-it party...Could it be that Joleen's house is where all the fun and entertainment can be found? I also love that although deservingly she takes pride her professional and educational accomplishments, she recognizes that typically it's the small, day-to-day choices we make in life that make us who we really are. It's that kind of thinking that makes her the type of person I'd want to be around and learn from.

My vote's for Joleen from Texas. Yee-Haw!!!

Lacy said...

I LOVE JOLEEN!!!! I've known her for a LONG time since I grew up with her little sister. She's SUCH a fun girl!

Colette said...

She is am amazing women with a lot to offer. She is smart, funny, beautiful, kind, talented, committed, friendly. She would be great for this show because she is out going and very easy to talk to. Good luck!

Unknown said...

Jo is a doll!!! She is the best candidate for this adventure. Hands down.

J L H Schill said...

Jo is fabulous! I met Jo at an accounting networking activity and immediately felt like we were friends. Jo is great that way. Later I worked with Jo in public accounting. I know most people think accounting is boring and therefore accountants must be boring but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Jo was always fun at or away from work… In other words, Jo is fabulous!

mr & mrs O. said...

Jo is one heck of a catch! She is one special girl and any great guy would be completely lucky and blessed to have her in their life. She is beautiful inside and out. Even a simple short conversation with her leaves you with a smile and wanting to be her best friend.

Rebecca said...

Oh dear, no one knows how long I have waited to see this friend as the Bachelorette! This could be epic! And Joleen, I know why you have to put the groceries on in a certain order. Subconsciously you are telling them how to bag your groceries. Bagging correctly is a lost art. Way to bring it back! That's the kind of person you are, and I'm excited for this next adventure!

Foxyboxy said...

Everything I know about true, lasting relationships, I learned from Jo in our closet-sized dorm room. She was responsible for my aching abs after late nights of intense laughter and she is responsible for my insanity because she and I explored our imaginations and let them run wild. Conversely, she is also responsible for my SANITY because she listened to recounts of every ridiculous situation in which I every found myself. She's patient, loyal, incredibly loving, witty and creative (despite her love of nice, neat rows and matching numbers), motivated, adventurous and hopelessly devoted to her relationships.

If you pass over Jo, it's like stumbling upon a box labeled "HEREIN LIES PERFECTION" and walking past without a backward glance. SHE'S YOUR WOMAN! ;)(I'm talking both to the producers and all Mormon Bachelors....)

Jen said...

This girl is AMAZING!! She would seriously be a fantastic bachelorette--she's sweet and kind and smart and talented and every bit as great as she seems in her application. She's the real deal, and any guy would be super lucky to win her heart!

Alicia Connell said...

She seems genuine, sweet and spunky. She'd be fun to watch on The Mormon Bachelorette. Give the guys a run for the money.


She is witty with her words. I like a girl that's funny and what boy doesn't as well? She is gorgeous and smart not a combo you find everyday. GREAT PICK!!

Zackydear said...

Joleen is gorgeous!!! She is perfect for this show! I can't think of a more authentic and amazing candidate. Any guy would be so lucky to win her heart.

Shelli said...

Jolene is so deserving of this opportunity! PICK JO!!! She's beautiful inside and out and one of the most caring, giving, funny people I know.

Unknown said...

I have known here for my whole life. I would have to say that she is a wonderful person with a strong sprite and soul. Any guy that would open up to her and see her would have a partner for life. Good Luck....

Emilee said...

You're so brave, Jo! This sounds like so much fun! Have a ton of fun with it no matte what happens! Keep me posted!

Kim Messick said...

How is anyone going to compete against this girl? She seems to have it all...Seems like she would be a great pick! I love the "Honoring the Ordinary" part! That's what I love to do too!!! Go Joleen! Good luck.

Becca Joy said...

This is one amazing, fun and driven woman. She would be a great Bachelorette!

MiShelle said...

Joleen is wonderful! Sweet, funny, kind, ambitious. The perfect match for an amazing man who DESERVES her.

Susan M said...

I would love to see Joleen exploring Texas with her dates - the Rattlesnake Roundup in Sweetwater or trying to eat the huge steak at the Big Texas Steak Ranch in Amarillo. She has such a great energy that I would really enjoy watching her!

Hannah said...

I don't know Joleen, but I'm in the stake here in Lubbock! It's about time the Lubbock single's ward gets a little mix-up! HOW FUN! I will definitely be following, and WAY excited to see what fun you'll come up with...in Lubbock. :D

Best of luck, Joleen!

Heather said...

Go Joleen!

Kami said...

Joleen is fun an dynamic...I can tell from only meeting her once! Go, girl!

Andrea Stomps said...

Even though I met Joleen only a couple of times it has always been fun to be around her. She made me feel awesome and amazing. She is so outgoing and loves to meet new people... Too bad I live too far away!

Beauty Redefined said...

What a woman! Jo is a fab choice - does it get better? Honestly. She's a righteous woman that knows how to have a good time. When she lived in SLC we had some good times together tearing up this place! But seriously, people, Jo is an ideal candidate for the Mormon Bachelor and wouuld spice things up in a way your other nominees will not be able to. GO JO! - Lexie Kite

Unknown said...

Joleen is one of the few real people I know. Everyone knows exactly where they stand with her. No grudges or mass take overs. She is fun to be around and very honest. She is also spontaneous and self sufficient. That being said, she also knows when she needs help and she's not afraid to ask. She has excellent balance. There is a time and a place for every thing and she has it down. I would strongly recomend her for the next Mormon Bachelorette.

Jen said...

Joleen deserves this great opportunity! She definitely has my vote for the next Bachelorette!

Matt said...

Joleen is great and would make a fantastic bachelorette

Travis & Shauna Snow said...

Joleen is FUNNY!!!! She is quick witted and just plain hilarious!! She is also driven, smart, a GREAT cook, beautiful, compassionate, and perfect. Who ever ends up with Joleen will be one of the luckiest people in the world! She also has a WONDERFUL family.

Rob Graham said...

Joleen is one of the most real people I know. She is without a doubt the total package!!! I've been with Jo in many different situations and there is never a dull moment with her. She would make an excellent choice for the Mormon Bachelor.

Nell said...

You will not be disappointed in this season of The Mormon Bachelorette if you choose Joleen! She is the most outgoing, fun, loving woman and is a real catch, gentlemen. She has such an addicting personality and you don't have to know her long to fall in love with her. She's got amazing fashion sense, can cook anyone under the table, and loves to do Zumba. Although she's a bombshell on the outside, her strong testimony and high standards give her an unsurpassed inner beauty! She is a dear friend to all those who know her and I hope all you viewers will give her the chance to get to know her too!

Emily Jane Blewitt said...

Here is a spiritual, beautiful, smart, kind and spunky girl. She makes everyone she comes is contact feel special and cared for. She is extremely sincere- perfect person for the bachelorette!

Chuck said...

Chuck said. Don't be a loser. Vote for The most eligible, funnest, loveable, Single woman That I know. And believe me, I know and have known many women in my short life.

olivia:] said...

Joleen is the most incredible person you will ever meet. She is very talented and smart. She definitely needs to be the one to pick for the next online Mormon Bachelorette:):) PICK JOLEEN!!!!

Candice said...

She looks great on camera. Isn't that what will bring the viewers??

Anonymous said...

Jolene is an amazing person. Please vote for her!

Fantabulous Kay said...

Joleen is awesome and funny!!! I love her so you should pick her!!!!

Fantabulous Kay said...

joleen is awesome and amazing!! pick her!!

Rayna said...

Awesome and GORGEOUS! We love Joleen!!!!!!

Kim said...

Jo is the total package! She would be fun and hilarious to watch and any guy would be lucky to get to go on a date with her. PICK JO!!!

Becky said...

I loved her video! What a beauty! I'm sure all the guys will fall for her. She has clever things to say and seems sharp as a tack. I'd absolutely watch her on her quest for love. Pick Joleen!

Joie said...

I know Joleen from high school. I didn't really hang out with her or anything, because she was a year older, but the very fact that she has made a lasting impression has got to be worth something! She is a jovial, amiable girl, and just loud enough to be memorable. :)


What a pretty girl! You should choose her! There are other choices? Oh, I pick her. She seems very grounded, very kind, very funny and doesn't take herself too serious.

Camille said...

Who else can travel the world, change a little house into a beautiful home, and still crunch numbers with a gorgeous smile on her face? The amazing Joleen! Pick JO!!!!

Jessica, Brian, and Harper Greene said...

Amazing girl and I loved the video!!! She would be really fun to watch.

Shane said...

Joleen makes it fun to be both an accountant and a doctoral student, which is no small feat. I can't imagine what she might be capable of when backed by the entire Internet and pursued by droves of eligible bachelors, but I think the world needs to see it!

Lili said...

Oh, this fun. Look at the response after just a few hours of posting this--Can't you feel the love for Jo?! She has such a big heart, and deserves every kind word and praise posted on this wall. She is truly one of my favorite women (No, I'm not just saying that) --and a huge example and influence to me. So to the producers I say: Let's find just a little bit more love for Jo--make her your Mormon Bachelorette!

Alison said...

Pick Joleen! Known her forever and she's AMAZING!!

Grammy said...

Joleen is a beautiful person inside and out! YOu can see it in her eyes! She is the REAL DEAL!!! Some lucky guy is in for a treat with this gal! She has my vote all the way!

Caldwellers said...

She is adorable in the video with lots of personality and an adorable smile, but it just doesn't do justice. She's pretty much the best thing ever. If I were a single, highly intelligent, loving, faithful, spiritual, funny, hot priesthood holder, I would totally go out with her. But since I'm a married mom of two boys, I'll just give her my vote. Seriously, there is no better choice. She is very real with high integrity. No skeletons coming out of her closet mid-filming! :-)

Mindy said...

I've never know Joleen not to have a smile on her face! She is the most upbeat, cheerful person I've ever met. I know she would make an amazing bachelorette and would be incredibly entertaining to watch. I vote Jo!

Anonymous said...

Jon said that Joleen is one of the greatest people I know. She's gorgeous, fun, intelligent, loving, amazingly talented and the list could continue. Whoever she ends up with will be one lucky man!

Lin Humphrey said...

Can I also provide a helpful tip? Opening lines like "I'm a writer, poet, and interpretive dancer" do not work on Joleen. She's heard it before and it was not effective. I promise she will make you laugh--she'd definitely be a fun date. :D

Samson said...

Cool! Loved what you said about Honoring the Ordinary.... Got caught dancing to myself today. :) best of luck! Cheers!

Samson said...

And anyone who can get such a kick out of accounting is heaven sent! Joleen is perfect!

Morgans said...

Joleen is one of the sweetest, loving, people I know. She is amazing!! Good Luck!!

pandash99 said...

Joleen is my new BFF. We established this after just one dinner together. Last week. That's really all it takes. That's the beauty of Miss Kremin; you are smitten in a matter of seconds.So her answer under "Best Quality" is dead accurate. She is marvelous, magnetic, and magnanimous. Love you, darling!

Jeremy said...

Joleen is an outstanding human being. I've seen her in some pretty intense life situations and I've learned she can handle any challenge she encounters. That's so important for a relationship! She is a very unassuming, fun-loving person that is really enjoyable to be around. She's also a very nice girl who loves to serve other people and make others feel loved and included.

Go Jo!

Rocio Isabel said...

Joleen is the SWEETEST person! When I first began learning about the LDS church she was at the front lines always willing and able to help! She genuinely cares about others and is beautiful inside and out, always. She's funny, smart, loving, but she does have a little spice which makes her exciting, fun, and not afraid to speak her mind! Pick her!! She totally deserves this new adventure.

Julie and Eric said...

She is beautiful, funny, smart, and did I say beautiful!

Unknown said...

Joleen needs to be the next bachelorette! She is funny, smart, beautiful and extremely spunky! Can't wait to watch.

chelle said...

Joleen seems to have just the right personality for this. She'll be lots of fun to watch.

LaFawnda said...

You will not regret having Joleen as your next MB. She is genuine, sincere, and real. We love her tons and know she will totally enjoy this adventure.

emily ballard said...

Joleen is always cheerful, positive and kind. She would make a great bachelorette. Go Joleen!

Annalee said...

Pick this AMAZING girl already! I've known Joleen since 6th grade, and considering I turned 31 this year, that was a LONG time ago. She's great. She's hilariously funny and amazingly sweet. You won't regret it!

Adam said...

Joleen would be an awesome choice for the MB. She is a very fun person to be around.

Trishia Lawson said...

Joleen would be an amazing, amazing bachelorette! How can you even think about not picking her after watching her video? Seriously?!?

Aaron said...

Joleen rocks. Make it happen.

Unknown said...

pick her! pick her!

Anonymous said...

Joleen is great. She is sweet and smart and kind. Everyone likes her.

Molly said...

Joleen or 'Jo',as knew her in college, was this dynamic, beautiful woman that every girl could look up to. She has a wonderful personality and attitude that is contagious. She would be a great pick!

Unknown said...

She gets my vote. Sweet, down to earth and smart!!

Josh and Kristen said...

Woot woo! What a hottie! Jo is AMAZING and the short video is awesome but wait till you meet the real deal! She is indeed very aware of those around her and is always looking to reach out and help someone. She's got a great sense of humor and a positive attitude. This woman is a winner!!

Unknown said...

Joleen is definitely the RIGHT choice so "choose the right" person and make it Joleen. You won't go wrong. Smart, pretty and kind.

Unknown said...

Joleen is the "right" choice so "choose the right" person and make it Joleen. You won't go wrong.

Kandice said...

One of the happiest people I know! She deserves this in every way! :)

Allison said...

We love her so much around here that we call her "Auntie Jo" & we're not even related. She's a smart cookie who knows how to lighten the mood wherever she goes. She possesses spectacular traits that every girl should have!

Shadow Valley Running Club said...

Joleen is one of the funnest people I know! Pick her for sure.

Anonymous said...

She's very attractive. I also like how she's educated and intelligent.

Troop 442 said...

Jo is genuine and funny. Caring, loving and giving. She gives of herself freely. What more could you ask for?

Melayna said...

Joleen is awesome -- I've only met her once, but it didn't take me long to figure that out. She's friendly and genuinely interested in others, and time with her is guaranteed fun. In fact, I will only watch this round of the show if Joleen's the bachelorette. So choose wisely, people . . . :-)

McCall said...

Joleen Rocks!! No one is more amazing!! Pick her!!!!

McCall said...

Have I mentioned how freaking hilarious Jo is!!?? Pick JO!

Anonymous said...

Smart-funny. (You know, the kind that's clever and hilarious and deep?) She's got it DOWN! That and so many other things make being around her a blast! I've known very few people with as much enthusiasm for all of life's moments. She is part of a rare group of people who can excel and thrive in fast-paced, high-intensity situations and still embrace subtlety and calm. When you're around her you laugh, you're uplifted, and you know that you are important to her. Good luck finding guys that can keep up with her! They're definitely going to try...

Julie said...

Jo is an incredibly talented, compassionate and beautiful person! I have always admired her and loved hearing her insights when she was a RS teacher and then president. She is a fabulous cook and I really enjoyed her ward cooking classes. Jo is top quality! :)

Caytee said...

I don't know who in their right mind wouldn't pick Joleen! She is the most aspiring, lovable, witty, talented, educated, motivated, and beautiful people I know! And I could tell you a specific story for each one of those, and it would either make you cry or pee your pants with laughter. I remember many occasions thinking, "If only I could be more like Jo." She is truly amazing!

Anonymous said...

Good luck, Jo! We would love to see you as the next Mormon Bachelorette. You are awesome!

Molly said...

This girl is so cute! I don't know her personally but I know her sister and her family is amazing! She would definitely be a great choice!

Lyndee said...

My family has been acquainted with Joleen for four years; she worked with my sister. She is very smart and a great friend! Plus she is really pretty. Any guy would be lucky to date her!!

Unknown said...

JO IS IT! Trust me! Gracious hostess; great cook; savvy shopper; fun organizer & planner of parties; creative; FUN!; huggable; gift of making people feel comfortable & wanted; faithful friend; spiritually minded; goofy; sunny disposition included!!

nathangrover said...

I love Jo! I think she is an amazing woman and deserves the most amazing guy!

I said...

Joleen is one of the best people I've ever known. I think she's even being way too humble in all the things she's said! You couldn't pick a better person than her. Joleen is just an amazing, fun person! And she really does have gorgeous eyes and a killer smile!!!

Daughter of God said...

Jo, as I know her, is one of the most amazing people I've had the pleasure of knowing. We attended CEU together and I'm not sure she knows this, but she was an answer to my prayers. She was the kind of friend I needed at the time I needed her the most. When she says that she loves easy she is not kidding!! And I don't know a soul who has met her that hasn't loved her. Her talents will blow you away, she is beautiful both inside and out, and you know that no matter what when you are a friend to Jo you are a friend for life. You won't be wrong if you choose her, so choose her!!! Any man would be lucky to call her his.

Anonymous said...

Joleen is fantastic! She is so talented, and so intelligent. She is the best pic for this show.

Anonymous said...

Jo, is awesome, we went to preference together in High School and it was one of the funnest dates ever. She would do great on a program like this. Lots of Character, and is smart and beautiful to boot.

The Smiths said...

Pick Joleen she is a very funny and sweet girl!!

Mike, Sha, Kenna, Kate, & Garrett said...

I only Joleen through a friend, but from what I have heard she is amazing! My vote is for her!

Shafferprincess said...

Absolutely love Jo! She's got a beautiful singing voice, too. Sang almost every day with her for a couple of years. She's got a gorgeous spirit and smile. Pick her!

Unknown said...

I have known Joleen since our days in Vernal, Utah, and it looks as though she is still as sweet, beautiful, and smart as ever. My vote is for Joleen!

Unknown said...

Jo - such a simple name for quite a person. Jo is one of the best people I know. Honestly. My favorite thing about Jo is that she is genuine. She makes everything fun and is the total package. She makes everything beautiful.

Paris said...

Joleen really has it all, beautiful, talented, intellectual, energetic, fun loving, spiritual, she's got it together, what a beautiful Daughter of God. I hope she has your vote because she definitely has mine.

Jill said...

Jo Jo Jo... This lovely lady brightened everyone's day when we worked together in public accounting. Us accountants are onery and overworked but Jo could still bring a smile to our faces either by her funny personality or her amazing baked goods. She could also lift you up with her positive outlook on life. This girl is a baller. Just sayin...

Crocketts said...

She is absolutely the best pick for Mormon Bachelor. She is kind, funny, happy, determined, and is so easy to make friends with. You can instantly tell that she is caring and loves her life. Did I mention she is a BOMB SHELL, well she is. She's got my vote!

Unknown said...

I have known Joleen since the 4th grade. She is a great girl and would be an excellent choice for the bachelorette. She is a smart, successful, beautiful woman. She has always been an outgoing, positive person. Good luck Joleen!

Devin and Elisa said...

Everyone has already said what I think-Joleen is one of the best people around! Her smile is contagious and kindness far reaching! She has our vote for sure! You won't be sorry if you choose her too!

Camille said...

Joleen will be the best. She's got the personality that will make it really fun and exciting.

Camille Nelson said...

How could I possibly say enough great things about my dear, sweet (with a pinch er two of sassy) friend Joleen? We served our missions together in Switzerland and were never companions unfortunately but she was not only an exemplary missionary teaching me how to be a good missionary, but an exemplary person teaching me how to be a good person, one who is absolutely 120% genuine, kind, personable, caring, hilarious to no end, and ambitious. I continue to strive to live by her example. Why you should pick Joleen? She is the tops. Quality. A sincere gem. Viel Glück JO!

Stacey said...

Joleen is gorgeous, creative and has such a fabulous personality! She would be fantastic on this show!

Briana said...

Joleen is an amazing girl who will seriously lift your spirits. If you are wanting someone funny, beautiful inside and out, positive and sweet...this is the girl you want!! Love you and good luck sweetie. You deserve it!!

Unknown said...

Nothing I say will do Jo justice, but I'll give it a shot. Jo and I attended High School together and then we were missionary companions together in Swizterland. When you are with someone 24 hours a day/7 days a week, you learn who they really are inside and out. To this day, Jo doesn't know that she changed my life. She taught me how to be a better person. She has so many great qualities: She can make you so happy when you feel so sad, she loves everyone, she is passionate and compassionate, she can see things that others can't in people and then she knows just what to say or do to help, she is patient, she if forgiving, she is smart, she has the greatest self control I know, she is open minded and loves life, she loves the Lord and she is obedient, she is thoughtful and very loving, she is also very giving. She loves to make people happy. She will make an excellent mormon bachelorette.
Go Jo!!! You deserve the best!!!

audri jo said...

Joleen is an inspiration to everyone around her (even those who haven't seen her in years). She radiates goodness. She is truly a genuine, beautiful, and talented woman who deserves the absolute best. I'd be glued to every episode of watching her find love. Good luck and lots of love! :)

Kate said...

Joleen is my favorite!! And she should be YOUR favorite too! :)

Britta said...

I loved reading/listening to all she had to say. What a perfect candidate!

Kristin said...

Oh my I love this girl and I don't even know her! I kept thinking I want her in my family but problem is my brothers are still in high school - rats! Can I also say I find her thoroughly entertaining? and honest? and destined to be my friend if I ever meet her. She's just plain awesome and whatever guy ends up with her is beyond blessed!!

Kassi Luck said...

PICK JOLEEN!! She would be so perfect for this. You couldn't find anyone better. She is gorgeous, smart, sweet, etc.

Tyler Bell said...

Joleen is a SOLID candidate. She deserves the best. She is my sister-in-law, but I always leave the "in-law" part out and just call her my sister. She is an immediate friend to anybody. She immediately relates to you and you feel like you've known each other for years. She deserves the spot more than anyone I know.

Olivia said...

You seem awesome, Joleen, and I hope you make it!!

Maria said...

Good luck Joleen I hope they pick you!

Coleen & Chuck said...

I say Amen to all of the above comments, but no one has mentioned that her humor is her quick wit. She gets that from her dad. No matter when you drop in her house is neat, gets that from her mom. She can quote funny sayings from old movies. Loves to cook and share with neighbors and friends. She is quite a package. Go JO!

mattu00 said...

Jo, I will be there with a tub of popcorn and 5 roommates! :)

S said...

I want Jo to be the next bachelorette! She is awesome, kind, outgoing, fun, and the total package!

Sallie said...

I will never think of Genocide the same. Joleen is the PERFECT candidate for the bachelorette! PLEASE PICK HER!
I would religiously support this blog if you do!

Trissy and Mitch said...

Joleen, Joleen, Joleen. There are so many kind words to put here I'm pretty sure they won't all fit in this small box. Joleen is the most genuine and honest person I know. She is incredibly caring, nurturing and kind. Joleen opens her arms and her home to everyone (which usually involves the most delicious food you'll ever eat.) Joleen is THE MOST loyal person I know. She will try just about anything and isn't at all afraid to get down in the dirt. Joleen will make an excellent Bachelorette.

krista jo said...

Joleen is the most deep down sweet and genuine person I know. She cares so much about other people and is SO fun to be around! She is gifted at so many things . . . any guy would be the inceredibly lucky to snag her! Please be wise and make her the next Bachelorette!

Josie said...

She has my vote!

Christopher said...

Go Jo! The best bachlorette ever. Your reign over many male hearts will be coming to an end shortly.

Unknown said...

If you want the best, Joleen is your girl! Joleen is REAL and honest and sincere. Joleen is talented and beautiful inside and out! The total package! You would be lucky to get her!

Jessie said...

I love your embarrassing moment! I would love to watch your adventures! I hope you get picked!!

ash met said...

love,love, love this girl! She's got to be the one you pick! Who wouldn't want to date her?

Ashley Miller said...

I worked with Jo at an independent LDS bookstore for a couple years, and she is the best! She's kind, funny, and outgoing. Go Jo!

joyce.kremin said...

Joleen is the geniune product, nothing false added, what you see is what you get. She is always uplifting, funny (and that's saying alot coming from a funny family), spiritual, kind, honest, a little spicey (or atleast down to earth). Energetic, enthusiastic, willing to help, great cook, good housekeeper, lots of ideas to improve herself, clothing, home, family parties. She will do MB proud and is a great choice. Luv 'ya, Jo

smilingcarriester said...

Joleen is an amazingly kind person! She has an awesome personality! She is fun and an incredible friend. She is absolutely perfect for this opportunity!

Mishael said...

Joleen is a wonderful woman! Beautiful smile, eyes and awesome sense of humor! She is such a friendly and loving person, and loyal. She even likes to hang out with brown guys like me ha ha go figure LOL I cannot find the words to express how beautiful person she is.

Brenda B said...

Go girl!

Becky said...

Jo, or as I call her Josephina, is an incredible person. Whenever I think of Jo my immediate thought is there has to be someone incredible for Jo out there. She just hasn't met him yet. Jo was my roommate for about two years. She taught me how to love with all my heart, take risks, and dance in the living room. She is compassionate, mature, and can tell one of the best stories I have ever heard! She would be a fantastic pick for the Mormon Bachellorette!

MPk said...

To Erin Elton & the world of TMB:

You should not pass up THEE Jo Kremin. Let me tell you why:
First, she is fresh, despite being an accountant.
Secondly, she is freakishly funny, witty, and fun, despite being an accountant who is studying to become a professor of other accountants.
Thirdly, no one can do a better preying mantis impression than Jo Kremin, despite being a non-preying mantis or (insert some connection to accountants, because I cannot think of any related to preying mantes).

For all of these reasons, and more, I must give my holla' of 'JO 4 TMB!'

PS No offense intended for the handful of fresh, funny, witty, and fun accountants out there. Jo is a class act.

oldboxfam said...

Joleen should definitely be the next Bachelorette. You guys out there need to wake up !!! She is motivated...beautiful...extremely funny and fun to be around...can cook.....come on guys !!!

Family Hofmann said...

We love Joleen very much!! she was a great missionary in our ward! we named our daughter after her. we hope our Joleen will turn out like Joleen K.! we miss her! The 6 Hofmann's :)

Anonymous said...

Joleen is amazing! Everyone wants to be around her. She is fun and spunky, but more importantly, giving, loving, and compassionate. She loves everyone and sees the positive in everything. Joleen would do anything for anyone. She is such a blessing to know!

Unknown said...

Joleen is the coolest freakin Charlie's Angel ever!

Unknown said...

Joleen is awesome! She is one caring kind person who wants to do what is right! She can do anything she sets her mind too! On top of all that, she is beautiful! That smile will knock your socks off!

Matt and Misty said...

Since I was roommates with Jo for over a year I feel that I am well qualified in saying that Joleen Kremin is amazing. Jo has one of the most infectious personalities...you just want to be around her all the time. She has a heart of gold and the way that she seeks out ways to serve others is commendable. She has a beautiful testimony of the Savior Jesus Christ and of his gospel. Jo is a package deal. It should also be noted that she is an AMAZING cook and has the cleanest most organized purse the world has ever known. Jo really is one in a million and she deserves a man who will treat her like a queen.

SusieQ said...

This girl is REAL. I totally dig her authenticity. The kind of girl that guys want to date and girls want to be best friends with. I would LOVE to watch her go on the dates. I think she would be fun as well as thoughtful and REAL. I haven't seen all the finalists yet, but this is EXACTLY the kind of girl that I want to watch be the Bachelorette!

Rebecca said...

I know I've already commented but I just want to say again that what I like so much about Joleen is that she is down to earth and I can tell that if she has this opportunity, this will be a matter of the heart.

The McRazies said...

Where has this girl been hiding and why hasn't she been snatched up yet? She is obviously intelligent, well spoken, witty, dedicated to family and friends and she's beautiful. I love that smile. Joleen would be my pick to watch on TMB.

Mama Bell said...

She's the best... definitely pick her!!

Unknown said...

She is amazing! You guys have to pick her!!!!

Emilee Bundy said...

I dont know Joleen but she seems very sweet and kind. She has my vote for sure!

Unknown said...

I think Joleen would be amazing! She is so funny.

TyroErudition said...

Joleen is one of the coolest people I know! She's bright, talented, spiritual, and very friendly. She sincerely cares about people, and that is one of her best attributes.

Ash Att said...

oh my goodness! i went to CEU(college of eastern utah) as well!!! that just made me so happy! and im getting ready to go serve my mission in texas. you have my vote!

Unknown said...

Honestly, Joleen is an incredible woman. Beautiful, intelligent, funny, motivated, and spiritual. If these are the traits you're seeking for the Mormon Bachelorette give Joleen an opportunity to impress.

Kelli said...

Good Luck! You would do great!

Anonymous said...

I think Joleen would be an awesome bachelorette! She seems very mature, genuine, and down to earth. I dont know her, but after her video i think she is more then ready and deserving of this! Pick Joleen!

LM said...

Cute, nice, accomplished, so much going on for this awesome gal from my hometown! Pick her!

Anonymous said...

Very exciting. You are the one. You have my vote.

Linfords said...

Joleen is so personable and genuine, never a dull moment, and always has something interesting to talk about. Perfect pick for this! GO JO!

Amy said...

This girl is unbelievable. Joleen has always been a spunky, sweet, genuine, caring individual, she totally deserves this!

Amanda said...

She would be wonderful!

Gina Marie said...

She's perfect! So well-rounded and relatable. :)

Mike Alexis & Grayson said...

Joleen has the cutest personality and she's got a lot of spunk! She would be the perfect bachelorette!

Natalie Kay said...

I went to college with Joleen and I LOVE her!

Jason Bennion said...

There are not many women I would log on to "The Mormon Bachelor" for. Jo Kremin is one of them. She has an infectious personality, intelligent wit, and is a genuine friend. She has the ability to warm any situation. An excellent catch and choice for bachelorette.