Thursday, July 10, 2014

{ Meet Lisa Thurman }

{ Lisa Thurman - Potential Mormon Bachelorette }

{ 29 - Violin Teacher - Lehi, Utah }


Robert Anthony Pierce said...

This is the craziest video. I love this. I would watch this show if this girl gets picked. I have already watched the video like 5 times.

Ben said...

This is the funniest thing ever. If she doesn't get on, it will be a tragedy. A TRAGEDY, I tell you!

Rasheta Family said...

Love this! Hope Lisa makes it.

The Popins said...

This show will lose money if this lady doesn't make it. She is WAY too interesting (and pretty!) to be passed up. Get real! It's a no-brainer.

Kevin said...

Go Lisa!

Kristy said...

Fun video! We would love to watch her as the Mormon bachelorette.