Thursday, August 26, 2010


Due to popular demand, the intriguing interview of Aubrey Messick is now completed for your viewing pleasure.  If you haven't applied already to sweep this woman off her feet, after watching this you will wonder where she has been all your life.  Don't worry, we are accepting applications until September 9th so GET ON IT! Enjoy!

Thank you to Justin G for producing this video - check him out at for your own masterpiece:).


Brooke said...

This is so good! good luck to Aubrey. =)

Kierstin said...

Good answers and have fun!

Jon McFerson said...

can't wait to read about the dates...and watch the videos. JON

Amanda said...

that intro was so cute haha erin i think you've done this before. aubrey you're such a babe!!!

Anonymous said...

I wish Aubrey the best. I've had a facebook crush on her for a long time.

The saddest thing I see about this little competition is that it won't attract the type of man she will really want to marry.

Instead it will attract the biggest douche bags Mormon culture has to offer -- Men who are more worried about satisfying their ego and winning...rather than actually loving Aubrey. Best of luck to you.

Sensible Guy.

meredith c. said...

aubs find your facebook crush, ryan! hes the one for you. ;)

Mary said...

I read this once and couldn't agree more...

there is a reason you can’t find true love on a television show.

because it grows best in the quiet times

when there are no cameras, no prying eyes, no people there to watch it.

It grows in the slow breaths and long silences of a car ride

in the short distance between his shoulder and mine.

Real love is not a fairy tale.

It is not perfect.

It is flawed and difficult

it hurts like hell sometimes.

Real love takes weeks and months and years to become.

It knows the story behind the scars on your ribcage,

your greatest fear,

and what you looked liked at seven.

True love isn’t a contest.

it’s the most unforced and natural of all life’s possibilities.

It’s what happens when you let go of precedents and expectations

and reveal all of yourself, privately and wholly to another soul.

Save tv shows for design contests and cook offs,

let love alone.

(original text found here... )

TheSinglesWard said...


Don't get us wrong, you're a total cutie and we'd love to apply, but we're not sure we quite understand. We're competing for a 3rd date? If we win, do we win $$$ or gift cards towards future dates with you or how about half off a ring if we end up marrying you?

Enjoy and let us know if you need a date for Halloween ;)