Tuesday, September 25, 2012

{ The Mormon Bachelor Finale PART 1 }

As we have followed Chris on his journey to true Mormon love there have been all the makings of a great love story - the ups, the downs, romance, friendship, and all around fun in the process.  The last few days in Utah with Chris and the girl of his dreams turned out to be one of our most meaningful last dates.  Enjoy Part 1 of The Mormon Bachelor Season 4 Finale and thank you for joining Chris in his journey.  Part 2 will be posted this Thursday, September 27th.


Mimi said...

This feels kind of sad. I really hope the 2nd part gives us something more. I hope that they can work something out, and can move forward with a relationship so that this was not all for naught.
With that said, I really love this show. :)

H said...

The shrink looks so shattered when Courtney breaks it to him that they don't want a long distance relationship. WHY CHRIS & COURTNEY WHYYYYYYYYYYY ;)

Ashley said...

Why did Courtney apply for the Mormon Bachelor when she wasn't ready for a long-term relationship? That was obviously going to be a part of dating Chris. I think it's just an excuse.

I'm intrigued to see what will happen in Part 2!

Jenny said...

Guys!!!! I think its good they went to a Thearpist. ya'll need to be more compassinate towards chris and courtney. They have been through alot. If i were doing TMB, i would want a third party opinion. so way to go Chris and Courtney, can't wait for Part 2 on Thursday.

Mare AShby said...

I think they are making the distance a priority, and not each other. It's only an issue if you let it be an issue. You two have such a great connection, I hope you won't let it slip through your fingers because of 500 miles. It might be a lot, but loosing each other is a lot worse.

Monta said...

I agree with Ashley, I think Courtney might just be using the distance as an excuse, she really doesn't seem that into Chris. Too bad he didn't pursue Sharla, since they're living in the same county. Sucks for him and for the show. Where was the relationship guru in all this? We haven't seen Zack Oats at all! And is a therapist really necessary for a 3rd date? red flag maybe?!

Shattered Ends said...

I think Courtney isn't really into Chris. If she was she would at least try for a long distance and not want to let him go. I feel like any girl would try for anything if they found "the one", especially with where they are at in their lives. I think Chris would try the long distance thing but sense courtney doesn't want it he is playing off that he doesn't either. I think this will end up like Ashley's season. I also agree with Kari, I feel like the show was dragged out and we waited sooo long to see dates etc.

Unknown said...

My burning question is this: "Where are the Sistas??" The first major blow to this season happened when Kent backed out, but the knockout punch came when the Sistas in Zion stopped posting here.

On a more serious note, it's very obvious Chris is more into her than she is into him. He answered back about seeing a possible future with Courtney if they lived closer to one another with a quick "yes", but her take was that "she could see them DATING". BIG difference there.

Sisson Family said...

The truth is you can't rush love. It just happens when your both ready. As much fun as this has been to watch I fear the pressure was too much for Chris to feel like he had to choose an eternal mate instead of just looking at the experience as a fun way to meet a lot of different personalities. I wish Chris the best and truly hope he can relax and prepare himself for what the Lord has planned.

The Muse said...

I actually think talking to a therapist at the beginning of a relationship could be a good idea... he could give helpful guidelines. Or if not together, talking to a therapist would definitely help each person separately.

It's just sad that Courtney and Chris don't seem to be working out. I'm sure that wasn't in the original TMB plan. But that's the reality... which is why this show is a refreshing change from crazy primetime reality TV.