Aubrey and Matt Laidlaw and ???
Hello TMB world! Aubrey and Matt Laidlaw here! We are so incredibly excited for Ashley's upcoming season of The Mormon Bachelorette to get underway and hope you've been enjoying all of the sneak peaks at her dates to come. Matt and I are anxiously awaiting the kick-off on July 1st and know it's going to be full of fun and surprises! But before the new season gets underway, we thought we'd leave you guys with a little update from our neck of the woods...
Lately we've both been keeping extra busy with our jobs, Matt at Laidlaw's Harley Davidson in Baldwin Park, and me designing wedding flowers for brides all over Orange County. On our days off we've been enjoying this fabulous summer weather with dips in our pool, motorcycle rides through the Angeles National Forest, and planning our upcoming vacations to our family beach houses in July followed by Kauai in August!
There's also been some exciting buzz going around the Laidlaw household. In case you haven't already heard the exciting news, Matt and I are going to have a baby! We found out on Mother's Day and have been so unbelievably excited ever since. Baby Laidlaw is expected to join our family January 15, 2012 so we're already thinking of names, wondering about the gender, and designing a nursery for our sweet little one!
Thanks to The Mormon Bachelorette, we feel like we have had such a blessed journey and wish to thank all those who made it possible through their love, support, and dedication to TMB. This year has truly been good to us and we hope at the end of this next season that Ashley Chapman can say the same. Cheers to another successful season of The Mormon Bachelorette! We'll be watching...
Rick Buck and Melanie Carney - UTAH???
Greeeetings from the land of Utah ! Where people talk about the gospel at work and random people recognize Melanie and I on the street. After Melanie made a sacrifice to move to California for a month, to keep the relationship going, it was my turn to make a sacrifice. We both moved to Utah so that she can complete her dream of becoming a nurse. I know, I know I am making the bigger sacrifice, but it’s worth it to pursue the girl of my dreams. Things are going great and we are falling more in love every day. It’s funny a lot of people ask us, “Why did Rick move to Utah when Melanie can forgo nursing school and just stay in California and live off his income?” It actually was never a question in either of our minds. Family and kids will come (hopefully soon), until then I want my girl to feel accomplished and confident anyway she can.
Now that we are here, we are both busy. I work 6 days a week at two dental offices that are in Cottonwood Heights and Springville Utah . Mel is studying like crazy, but I hear she has a great tutor. Studying makes a great date…sorta. Apart from that we have gone hiking, went to a Scottish Festival, visited Temple Square , and gone to rodeos and swimming cookouts with married people and their kids. Yep, we are living the Utah Dream.
So you want the nitty gritty! Dating life is awesome, but its not easy. It’s funny because I was just asked to give a lesson in Priesthood as my initiation to my new Utah Ward. The topic: The Blessing of Eternal Marriage- the conference talk given by Elder Scott. Perfect! Just the lesson every bachelor wants to hear. Amongst many points given in the talk was one about how the longer you are single the more bad habits you pick up. So true! While being the Mormon Bachelor is a great title, you don’t get to being 30 and single without becoming more set in your ways. We have definitely had some heartache over small issues that we have worked out. However, growing together and kicking our habits has taken sacrifice and has ultimately brought us closer together. Just in case you were wondering my lesson was awesome and there is now a ward in Lehi , Utah full of mormon men now prepared for marriage.
Where do we go from here? Stay tuned! Meanwhile, enjoy some Bachelorette dating and maybe after this season TMB will be 3 for 3.
Hey everyone it's me, "Larry the Camera Guy". I was the one who filmed the dates, but than weaseled my way into the competition, only to ALMOST take the cake. I think the last time everyone saw me I was dressed in a shirt and tie jumping into Aubrey's swimming pool. Although at the time you may have felt angry, betrayed, sad, or even a little lost, or perhaps you were one of those who even questioned the meaning of life after Aubrey didn't pick me, I assure you just as you were able to move on (or at least one would hope) I too have found meaning again.
Shortly after the wrap of The Mormon Bachelorette Season One, I took a vacation to Utah to visit family and friends. While I was there escaping my past, a part of my even further past came back into the picture. Her name was Brittany Bledsoe. I originally met her almost two years prior, right before she decided to serve a mission to Cincinnati, Ohio. I remember before she left, thinking, "Why can't I get a girl like that?" Right about the time I finished that thought, she left California, and left my heart forever, or so I thought. She returned home from her mission, and moved to Utah to attend a nursing program. As luck would have it, while I was in Utah, we decided to catch up on the little bit of history we shared. One hanging out, led to one date. One date led to one hand hold. One hand hold led to one kiss. And, one kiss led to one "YES". Needless to say my quick vacation to Utah turned into a "stay-cation" lasting indefinitely. Brittany and I were married in the Salt Lake City Temple on Feb 11th. We both live in Highland UT, because if we didn't that would be strange. I am now back in school, pursuing my doctorate. Because of my relocation, I am no longer with the T.V. show Fact or Faked, but I am now working as a video editor. Brittany has a little over a year before she finishes her nursing program and upon completion, we plan on returning to SoCal. Not that this is public business or anything but I feel impressed to say that even though we would have liked to keep up with Aubrey and Matt on the baby having, it looks like Larry the 3rd and 4th will have to wait a little while, i'm still learning how all that stuff works.
I am so happy about how things turned out. I couldn't have asked for a more perfect wife to share forever with. I miss the bachelor days, and I miss The Mormon Bachelorette days, but I wouldn't trade today for anything.
Michael Petersen - You May Remember Him as Contestant #9 for Aubrey:)
It's wonderful that Rick is supporting Melanie and moved for her. People who say she should just live off his income don't understand that it would be a huge sacrifice for her -- to give up something that is her personal goal, that helps define her, that would help support her. I think you are a good man, Rick, and hopefully it wills someday get to a point where people don't consider it a negative thing to have a woman have a way to support and fulfill herself, even if it means the man giving up something...
You did the right thing Rick. I don't understand why people are questioning it -- a woman doesn't need an education, a source of income, a way to fulfill herself? Ugh. You are a good man, and I hope someday we can get to a point where it's not automatically questioned when a woman wants to do these sort of things even when it means *gasp!* that a man might have to give up something. Best of luck to you.
How exciting! Go Larry!!! and I love reading Aubrey's private family blog about what's been going on with them too. She is adorable. Can't wait to hear further news about their baby!
I actually recognized Rick and Melanie at one of the rodeos they talked about LOL! I saw them from far away but was happy to see things were still going well! ;) And yay for baby Laidlaw!
Such an awesome update! 4 success love stories, that's great. I'm so excited now to watch Ashley find love so she can be added to this list.
Oh, I love all the updates! Thanks TMB for keeping us posted! Although I do have the inside scoop most of the time, it's fun to read it in their own words! And I absolutely LOVE Larry's forever story!!! Thanks for sharing!
That was fun! Congratulations!
Huzzah! Congratulations to all the alumni!
Loving all the success!! It seems everything is working out just as it's supposed to :)
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