Well after 7000+ miles (3000+ driving) traveled and about 130 hours of dating it has come down to this. I couldn’t be happier and more optimistic about my selection. I hope all of you have enjoyed the show. It has been a great pleasure to have all of you involved in my dating life and now I am excited to have it back to myself… Or should I say ourselves.
I just want to send a thanks out to everyone who has spent time on The Mormon Bachelor. Firstly to Erin who has put this all together and kept it smooth even when things could have become rough. Thanks to Aaron Valdez who edited and freely gave of his time to put a lot of the videos together. Also thanks to all the other videographers and editors. Included in those is my predecessor Aubrey who paved the way for me as well. Thanks to the sponsors without whom the show wouldn’t be what it was. Thanks to all the girls who went on dates. I am so flattered that you all would be involved and go on videotaped dates. Honestly, you all made me a better person. One day I told my buddy, “I feel as though I was dating a bunch of angels!” I wish you all the best and I think all the guys should come knocking down your doors. Lastly, I thank the girl I picked, but I’ll write more about her later. Now go watch the video and see who it is!
Happy Valentine's Day!!!
Happy Valentine's Day!!!
KNEW IT! Love you guys together and I hope great things for you.
YAY!!! I could't be more happy for the both of you! SO EXCITING! Can't wait to see where you guys go! Congrats!
Yay!!!! I knew it!!! I liked her the best! Good choice Rick!!
Best choice Rick! I loved this...Congratulations and Happy Valentine's Day to both of you! Maybe you should go on a double date with Matt and Aubrey while she is here...
Best of luck with the future!
Im so so so so excited for the 2 of you!!!!! YAHOOO for Love!!!!!
Yay! I love Rick and Melanie together - such a perfect fit. Congrats on finding eachother, and good luck towards a happy future :)
YES!!! Ever since the film date - there was something soooooo much more there with Melanie than with the others. So perfect! Congrats, Rick!!! So excited for you two. It's been too fun watching the journey!
YAY!!!! Totally the right pick!!!
Aahhh, what a great ending to an amazingly fun experience! So glad the two of you ended up together. Keep us updated and best of luck with the "True Mormon Love" stuff!
YAY!!! love her and the shirts! cute idea Rick!
Happy and Super Excited for both of you!!! Great job to all of you on The Mormon Bachelor team. Erin, you put a wonderful show on for all of us to share in and I hope we continue to see great success for you both proffesionaly and personaly as well. You truly are Rick's fairy godmother in helping to make his wishes come true. And Rick was right, every one of the other girls should be inundated with requests to go out on dates and should have no problem finding the love of their lives. They were all fantastic and great sports in that they were willing to "put themselves out there" and allow us all to enjoy this beautiful journey of Rick's. Can't wait till the next "season"!!
YAY!!! Love your pick! Way to go on "Choosing The Right Girl" Melanie's dad is a genius! ;) Wish you two the best!
well, that was quick. Wasn't expecting the ending quite so fast! haha. Oh, well. That ws exciting and fun to watch. I never could have guessed who you would pick! The videos you guys made made it look like you had tons of fun on EVERY date. Best of luck to you! Even if this does't work out... at least you got plenty of experience dating!
I am not going to lie. It was a bit disappointing. She seems like a really nice girl, don't get me wrong. The movie they made was cute. The choice just seems like the "typical" thing in the Mormon dating scene. Older guy chooses much younger girl. I am sure they will be happy and I wish them well. I just think there were some really amazing choices out there who seemed more in the same stage of life as him and who he seemed to have great chemistry with. good luck and I hope you are both happy
Not much of a shocker, but CONGRATULATIONS! Cute couple! I'm excited to hear updates. Sounds like an engagement is going to be soon :)
Thank you Mormon Bachelor staff! I had great fun watching Rick.
Just for the record, there is only a 3 year age difference between Rick and Melanie. I think it's a great match. Best of luck to you both and happy Valentine's day!
SO stinken' cute! Aren't there schools in CA, I mean come on, you can pretty much go to school anywhere... love is totally worth changing your plans! Congrats to you two...really so so so cute!
Congrats to you both! (And also congrats to everyone behind the scenes who already have 1 happily engaged couple under their belts!) Clyde sounds a little bitter, but I think this is an awesome match. I'd be disappointed if they went against their hearts & minds to do what they thought others would want them to. I wish you both the best!
So this means Melissa is still single?!
When this ends, Rick should give Andrea a call....or better yet, Andrea should be the next bacholerette
I think that Jane should be the next Mormon Bachelorette. She was amazing! I was very surprised she wasn't picked considering how their relationship had developed so romantically in just two dates.
Clyde2001's comment was really funny but I'm still glad Rick picked someone that he can be completely himself with. :)
Yes! There was so much chemistry on that first date, I even felt it (as the videographer)! Congrats! I really like her.
I agree with Clyde. I'm disappointed. But not only for the reasons he states. As I've said before, I'm not LDS, but I've enjoyed following this journey.
I always thought that Mormons were "different", but it seems all guys are the same. There were some amazing girls who held true to their beliefs and kept things on the moral high ground (no face sucking on the first/second dates), but the girl who was chosen...one of the more "aggressive", even though Mr. Buck claimed, in one of the earlier dates, to be moving "outside his comfort zone" by simply holding hands on a first date.
Things that make you say "hhhhmmmm".....
PERFECT PICK!!!!! Well done!
On behalf of all women out there, like myself, I sincerely hope that your second date with Melanie occurred AFTER your date with Jane. If you already knew that Melanie was better for you, you do not hold, kiss, or look at a woman like that...ever. You do NOT allow her to feel as she looked like she felt. Period. I don't know exactly what went on behind the scenes of the videos, especially in your first two with Melanie, since they didn't really reveal as much as some of the others we all saw. But what you and Jane looked like together really was special. You just shouldn't toy with a woman's emotions or lead her on like that. Just saying.
All in all, I hope you find happiness with Melanie. If she's really the right one for you, more power to you both. I really DO wish you the best of luck :)
Congrats Rick! Super happy for you, and it was really fun to see your family on the video! I haven't seen your brother since high school! I have to come to your defense on the comment from anonymous... Yep, it sucks for any woman to get her heart broken, but every participant in the TMB knew that heartbreak was a possibility. I thought Aubrye hit it dead-on last season when she said that she had to allow herself to really put forth an effort with each candidate to see if there was potential. I recommend that "anonymous" first considers a real screen name before criticizing, then second; watches your date with Jane without the soundtrack - it's interesting what a "tearjerker" soundtrack and great videography can do to create chemistry that might not have been as strong as assumed... Best of luck to you and Melanie!
Congrats to both of you...cute couple with lots of laughs between you. Wish you all the best as you continue your journey. the heart t-shirts were fantastic!
YAY!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE HER!!! She was the cutest and most fun! Great choice and the shirts are PERFECT!!!! Congratulations!
To be honest..I was a bit confused by how excited she was to be on 'The Mormon Bachelor' but that she rejected your date offer before? Doesn't really add up. I suppose you had a lot of good options. Maybe on the next season they will have another round before the 'final rose'? Instead of 22 to 8 to one, maybe 22 to 8 to 4 to 1? Or also, more time in between dates? I dunnoo.. best wishes either way! There were a lot of good options and definitely seemed like a tough choice!
I watched this days ago and I'm still bothered by Rick's choice. I would say that his choice reveals why he isn't married yet. She does not seem to be as interested as he is and I'm betting it doesn't work. Just my opinion though.
Are you people serious? Get over yourselves, clearly he picked the girl who was best for him. Age does not freaking matter either. And Angie who are you to "bet" that their relationship doesn't work out. How rude. Their were 22 girls obviously some hearts were going to be broken. They came into this knowing that they possibly wouldn't be picked. I definitely don't feel bad for a girl who chose to be a part of this. Anyway, Rick and Melanie best of luck to you both. You guys are adorable and I hope your relationship will grow and hopefully turn into a eternal marriage. :) thankfully the viewers have no say in who your final pick was.
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