Comment on this post below and you will be entered into a drawing to receive a FREE BOX of 9 CAKE TRUFFLES made by Occasionally Cake sent in time to anyone you want for Valentine's Day! The winner will be announced in tomorrow morning's post! Comment away!
A HUGE TMB thank you to Occasionally Cake for sponsoring Rick and Andrea's date!
A HUGE TMB thank you to Occasionally Cake for sponsoring Rick and Andrea's date!
Going into today's date with Andrea in DC I wasn't sure what to expect. We had a ton of fun on our first date and I wanted to make sure that there was chemistry between us. Long distance is never easy, and it is even more difficult to determine whether or not there is chemistry on a 2nd date.
Andrea and I met up after church with our Chef Sabrina in Washington DC , who owns a business called Occasionally Cakes. She was an awesome instructor and you could tell she put a lot of pride into everything she does including her cake business. It was really fun. We each picked one of the teams from the Superbowl to make a cake for. I chose the Packers because I am a fan of their quarterback Aaron Rogers. She by default was stuck with the Steelers. It was very fun and interesting to make the cakes especially after seeing the popular reality show with cake decorating these days. Immediately you could tell the difference in learning styles Andrea and I had. She was a more hands on experimental worker. I was a more “give me the exact instructions” kind of learner.
We finished our cakes and headed off to a Superbowl party with some church friends in DC. We had a contest to see whose cake was decorated better and let’s just say the home town favorite won. And as if the cakes weren’t good enough on the outside, they tasted amazing - there wasn't a piece left after the game. I even enjoyed them and I am not big on sweets. We finished watching the game and then it was off to enjoy our nation’s capitol.
One thing that impresses me so much about Andrea is her job. I mean I think it is awesome that she works for a senator as a press secretary. As we walked around I was able to ask her questions I had always had about politicians and what they spend their time doing and how are they as people. She was able to give me a lot of good and interesting feedback. We walked around and it got really late. We had the place pretty much to ourselves, which is rare for the different monuments and memorials. Apparently people don’t visit the capitol during the superbowl.
There is so much I can write but if I had to sum up my night with Andrea in word it would be: Impressive. She is such a nice and cute girl and she has so much going for her at the same time. I can tell you this much if we go out on a third date she won’t have to ask, “why didn’t you kiss me?” again.
A big thank you to Dave Marble for filming this date and Joshua for editing! For additional footage about Occasionally Cake and Rick and Andrea's feelings for eachother check out this video here.
A big thank you to Dave Marble for filming this date and Joshua for editing! For additional footage about Occasionally Cake and Rick and Andrea's feelings for eachother check out this video here.

**If you would like to order Cake Truffles from Occasionally Cake as a Valentine's gift for a loved one (or yourself, let's be honest) - TMB followers get a discount when you use the promo code OCTMB here. Occasionally Cake ships all across the United States and if you order today they will arrive by Valentine's Day!**
whoa, wait! why didn't we hear about why he didn't pick Sam A.?! Hmmmm.
as to Andrea, I love her!!! She's my favorite.
I love TMB and am hoping Rick finds someone just like Aubrey did!
Looked like a fun date! All the best!
Looked like a fun date!
GREAT PIC on the Green Bay Packers Rick!!!! Well done, sorry Sean! :)
How could you go wrong with a name like Andrea?
Cute date!!!
DC Rules! I can't believe Rick didn't even come say hi while he was in town... :) It looks like they had a great time on their date! How could you not have a blast in DC? BTW, Erin took me to occasionally cakes one time when she was in town and it was AMAZING! The cake truffles are fabulous... and they had a cupcake that was some kind of almond, vanilla, dreamy-ness that I have been craving ever since. I've been inspired to go back again!
I really enjoy watching the episodes! What a fun adventure!
Fun date! Fun Giveaway :)
looks like a fun date. I'll try to remember the trick to seeing the monuments is during the super bowl.
Here's to some DC lovin' and one hot mama to play tour guide!
I hope that Rick finds someone as great as Aubrey did! I think that keep with girls for the show!
An east coast jaunt AND the super bowl -- high 5!
Rick you have the hardest decision to make. All your picks are Rockstars.
How cute is this girl? Pick her.
Loved this date!
Those cakes look so yummy!
Cake truffles sound awesome. I love DC.
The cake making was great! I need that lady to supervise all my cake making projects. Andrea is so fun. I love her!
I love DC and TMB and and the 1st song in the video. Good luck Rick!
It's been fun following Rick on his journey!
Looks like a fun date!
Wow, great date idea! DC, cakes, and Superbowl. Couldn't get much better. This video was great because we got to see some behing the scenes Rick. ...and those cakes looked so good. Go Packers!!
It looks like Rick was completely comfortable with Andrea. Too bad she lives so far away! Maybe he can start a dental practice up out there. :)
Easily the best Sunday date we've seen on here thus far!
Hope you had fun exploring my hometown w/ Andrea! Do you know if Occasionally Cake offers cake decorating classes to us non-celebrities? ;)
Awesome! Good luck!
What a fun date!
Love Andrea and Rick on this "sweet" date to Ocasionally Cake. Your truffles look delish! And to follow up on Brittany's question, what did happen with Sam A. from the first round?
Sooo fun! But where was the kiss??? :( Sad day!
Haha the "It's called the Mormon Bachelor, not the Mormon Player" that was pretty funny! Well done on both cakes! I really enjoy the whole MB idea, what fun adventures to watch!
Can't wait to see how this all turns out...
TMB is the best thing since cake truffles!! What a brilliant idea!! Keep it going forever...
Such a fun date!
what a fun date!
and what a yummy treat!
How fun!
Loved this date! Hope Rick finds true love!
Wow! It looks like people really like cake! It's only 9:45 a.m. and 33 comments! Go Rick Buck!
I think this date is awesome and I think TMB team does outstanding work!!!
Someone should pay them for what they do!!!
Fun date! Like the giveaway!
Looks like a fun Super Bowl Party! Rick I would have voted for your cake if it makes you feel any better.
Andrea is my favorite! Pick her! Who else gave you the chance to take a trip to D.C. which is one of the best places on this earth?? Plus, she's gorgeous and a lot of fun.
Wow, I'm jealous. He must really like this girl to fly over to D.C. when I haven't even been there and I'm only 5 hours away! Did they go see the temple, considering that's where they'd get married if he chose her. Didn't he want o scope out his future??
I love TMB! I have watched every date and I really hope Rick finds love!
Love me some cake, love me some DC and hope Rick finds true love!
This is the first episode I've watched of the Mormon Bachelor and I loved this clip! I used to live in DC and it was awesome to see familiar faces and places.
I really like her...but long distance sucks!
Great job on the cakes!!! fun date!
I would have voted for Rick's cake :)
Such a fun date. Occasionally Cakes is amazing!
This was a fun date to watch. Rick it was so great to meet you, and as Andrea's best friend, I highly approve of a 3rd date!
She's darling, I thought they looked like they had a great time at first and I was really having fun watching. It seemed like it got a little tense after the no kiss thing though! haha
They are cute. And those truffles look amazing! -Melissa
What an amazing date to tour DC and make cakes together!
Best Date! We love Andrea so much! She's our favorite too! Rick's cake was nice, but Andrea's was awesome!
They seem like a good fit!! And I can't wait to try those truffles! Go Packers!!
ooo pick me! And Andrea is cute. :)
RICK, hope you've been living right!!! Choose wisely, for while the true Grail will bring you life, the false Grail will take it from you.
I second the amazing looking truffles! My 3 year old saw them and said, "I want those Mom!"
This is the sister that applied for Andrea to go out with Rick, so I am pretty sure that I deserve those cake truffles more than anyone. Yes. Thank you.
Me me me.
Yummm these look delish! Andrea is adorable!
Been having fun watching The Mormon Bachelor and would really enjoy some cake truffles!
Andrea is my favorite! Choose her!
Cake Truffles?!?! I'm pretty certain those belong in my house. However, I was sure that Matt from the Mormon Bachelorette belonged at my house as well {I told you from day 1 Aubs, he was a keeper ~ you just confused who was suppose to keep him} ... so we'll see if this works out a bit better for me.
What a fun date! Rick doesn't get to pick me for a date, so maybe the awesome cake truffles can keep me company instead! And good luck choosing your golden girl, Rick!
Rick didn't pick me for a 2nd date, shouldn't I get a consolation prize?
Rick, I have had fun watching you! I am proud of you. Remember to pay homage to me on my anniversary Monday! Maybe my anniversary present will be you finding your "true love". A sister can only hope! I love you brother!!
They have a great connection! Long distance isn't fun though.. someone needs to move! :)
What a cute couple they make! They look really good together!
I love TMB and all these dates are wonderful so far! It will be hard to choose...but I know choosing ME to win the truffles will be easy! Yeah!!
I agree with Debbie...TMB is the bomb! Keep it going! Loved the cake lady and her great questions:)
I love watching TMB! If I'm not married in 5 years I'm going to apply for it. I think cake decorating is a great idea for a date. Rick's was my favorite cake, but I'm sure they both tasted amazing. Good luck on this journey Rick!!
DC is the perfect place for a date and a first kiss. Seriously romantic opportunities - Rick you should take advantage of in the future (just like i'll put those cupcakes to good use if I win.)
i like that she is a steelers fan! those cake truffles are looking really good right about now..
i didnt even know about TMB until it had already started or else i would have applied! hopefully you guys do this again, it looks really fun.
What a fun date! I love how Rick and Andrea interact with each other! Can't wait to try those truffles!
I am in Andrea's ward and everywhere I went I heard people talking about the mormon bachelor and it was mentioned like 10 times in Relief Society--church celebrity sighting!
What a fun day! wish them the best!
Rick and I interviewed each other at the end of our date, and I'm really bummed they didn't put it in the video. It was some good stuff.
It also must be noted that Rick autographed the cake boxes for the giveaway as a little bonus. :)
I think Rick got denied on a couple of kiss attempts...better luck next time!
So fun. Love the MB! Hope you find your one true love!
TMB is so addicting! I love to watch Rick on his many dates. What a great way to spend Superbowl Sunday!
I NEED those 12 cake truffles!!!
What a fun date. I loved the "Monuments by Moonlight" tour at the end. I don't know how you are going to decide Rick, these girls are all too amazing! Good Luck!
Way to go Rick to fly all the way to D.C. for Andrea. She is super cute! I thought the Superbowl cakes were so cute and looked so yummy too! I hope I win! I love truffle anything!!
Ok I read every comment and that takes effort so therefore I should be the winner of the cakes. Further more unlike most I intend to donate them to someone who is really in need as they have no boyfriend, no date for Valentines Day and their grandmother just died. Ok that last part isn't true but if you're a fan of the big bang theory you'll get the joke.
Now on a serious note Rick what is with the lack of lip smackage, Andrea is such a charm. Boy, I may just have to drive myself on over to your dental office and teach you some manners.
So fun to watch, but the recaps are a bit lacking this go around. We have heard lots of "stuff" about the girls and very little about Rick's reaction to each girl. I get that he's a man and doesn't share feelings much, but is he impressed by these women or their occupations and ticket/venue hookups? Just sayin'. I would be totally addicted if I was getting some actual feedback and not a resume of each candidate.
totally fun date! and awesome giveaway :)
Seems like Andrea could have had herself a kiss if she wasn't so shy about it with the cameras on. Not that I can blame her, just saying...maybe there could have been more there.
Rick, I love, love, love that you got her to lick frosting off of your face. I could just see her calculating how many people were going to see that as she bucked up and did it - you definitely got her out of the comfort zone on that, because she is SO not a PDA type of girl. It made me laugh.
Um Holy comment overload! Must be those cake bites we all want. ;) How fun to walk around the nation's capital without all the masses of people around.
*Cheers for andreas cake!!!*...oh wait stealers didn't win?!?! Gimme those truffles i need to drown my sorrows in some creamy truffly goodness *Puss n' boots begging eyes*
loved this date, takes me back to the 2 days i spent there on vaca!
mmmmmm cake
I'm jealous- DC! Mmmm cake truffles!
Woot! I got half a face comment on the video. Thanks, Dave Marble, for showcasing your awesome videographer skills ;)
I loved the cakes!! I bet DC was so sweet to visit! Good Luck RICK!!
yahoo for andrea's!!!! Let us all be winners :) and toRick..... well you are such a cutie. and we are all so excited to see who will b MRS BUCK :)
TMB just gets sweeter. Cake!
Ship to Canada?
This has been fun to watch. Sabrina is an expert on fun dates!
I just want to win the cake truffles...
Rick, why didn't you kiss her?! You two seem really compatible together.
Cake decorating, what a fun idea! Andrea is super should pick her :)
Long time TMB watcher, first time commenter! I'm sure like everyone else, I wish the camera hadn't stopped rolling when Rick explained his choices of the top 8.
Now you know how to get people to come out of the woodwork!
TMB there anyway to get a link directly to the video on you won't come up on the blog :(
Love Andrea, Love DC, Love cakes.
Rick I think you have a mighty hard decision ahead of you! All these dates seem to going so well.
Proverbs 3:4-6
"Then you will win favor and a good name
in the sight of God and man.
Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight."
Yummy in my tummy :) What!?!? Cupcakes for a cupcake?!!?! How fun! Wishing you love and me some luck on a loved filled day!
Rick, some women are worth fighting for and Andrea is definitely worth it!
I'm assuming we can send the cake truffles to ourselves?
First of all, Andrea is gorgeous. Second, she is so funny. Third, she is smart and intelligent. Fourth, she is just amazing. Love her!
I hope cake truffles can get sent to AZ.
truffles please.
I never followed The Bachelor, but it's been really fun to follow this. Good luck and great job to everyone involved!
I love truffles! But please pick Jane...she's my sister. What else am I going to say?
happy valentines day to all the readers of TMB!
sounds delicious!
Love her!
I love this date. She's a keeper.
And send me so delicious cake bites! :)
Looks fun.. Hope Rick finds his one true love!
Seeing that it is Andrea's birthday on Valentine Day, I think that alone deserves a third date. Plus, he's not going to find better. I can promise him that!
Why no kiss?! Come on, she's adorable!
A few observations:
1) Cakes looked delicious. I'd love to go on a date to that place! Is that a regular thing, or was it just for TMB?
2) Andrea + Rick = super cute. Kiss her!
3) I really wish I'd gone to that party. Not just for a potential TMB cameo, but because so many of my friends were there!
I agree with you Amy. No one beats Andrea!
Love the cake decorating idea for a date!
Andrea is so cute! I loved her first date to Lets Make a Deal, and I still think she is just so sweet! Loved the cake idea
Love baking, but I didn't really see a huge spark between these two.....
This is the first time that I have commented on this, but I love Andrea! As someone who went to college with her, and lived next door to her, you couldn't get a better girl! She always works really hard, and when it came to becoming a mother, she would be the best. She is smart, kind, honest, and most of all beautiful, but hey you get to decide. I guess most of all I'm saying I think she would be worth the effort and chase!
I love how people are crawling out of the woodwork now that there is a "give away." Hilarious! I love TMB and have been following it everyday. The hubby and I were married in the DC temple and it's an awesome place. I'm just mad he didn't kiss her!!!!!
Fun date! Andrea is definitely a catch! If rick chooses someone else just know, my brother is moving to DC soon- he's a doctor! It be fun to see a an extended version of all these second dates. Now, unless there's been some off-camera kissing that we don't know about, I think bachelor Rick has shown us his choice by who he has kissed. Hope he still has an open mind though because most of these girls seem awesome. Those cake truffles do too... might have to plan a trip to DC just to taste them. That or hopefully win ;-)
Oh please pick me!!!
Those cakes look so good!
Ps. Vote for Jane!
A giveaway on Cakes. I'm in!
Okay, now let me go watch the date :)
I really like Rick and Andrea.
I suggest that the background music be a tad softer when people are speaking.
AND>>> I really want some cakes!
Iiiii think they are cute together :D
What a fun day! I totally dig her...and I'm kind of hungry for cake!
great date.
great giveaway.
great blog.
where do i sign up to be the next bachelorette? ;)
Mmm truffles. Mmm Rick and Andrea! :)
i want the cake, but I'm going to add my two cents too
ditto on the quieter music while they talk
better editing would be nice with juicier/more interesting interviews at the end of each date
maybe future bachelors/bachelorettes should be screened for writing ability since it's such a big part of each post. And maybe dates should be allowed to do a write-up too since some of them already post reviews on their blog anyway?
and I love this website! It has replaced the real Bachelor tv show for me. Thanks for the effort put in to produce it!
That looked like such a great date and what a fun idea. I may just have to order a box if I don't win.
That was a yummy date!
The date looked super fun and the truffles look amazing. I love following all of this!
what a fun night
Some things are worth working for. Thus, Rick has his work cut out for him and I'm sure it'll be worth it. Make the force be with you!
I <3 Andrea!
I keep thinking--if Andrea were on a TV show, and Rick were watching her show, or if she were a non-Mormon girl he just knew somehow, he'd totally have a crush on her. Right? A big crush. And he'd secretly be thinking, "If only she knew me/were LDS, I'd want to woo and win her." Don't you think? That's what I think.
loved the cake smearing.
What an awesome date idea! I like Andrea's cake even if the team didn't win.
Oooh those do look delicious! The only problem is they probably aren't gluten free but I have 2 adorable little girls that would LOVE them. Way to go Rick picking Andrea for a second date she is fabulous!
Ok, So I must admit that I follow this site religiously and this date made me want to book a flight to DC and experience occasionally cake first hand. But to be honest, I would love to win the giveaway to "sweeten" the day of a friend who is going through a hard time.
P.S Andrea is adorable!
I pretty much LOVE everything about the Mormon bachelor, especially when theres give aways!
great date.
great giveaway.
She is adorable! Definitely my favorite.
And those cake truffles do look amazing.
Thought the cakes looked awesome!! Great job Rick and Andrea ya looked like pros! Awesome Date!
I'm right there with you Smyth-y. I loved getting to see some of DC and some familiar faces again... even if it was via someone else's dates. BIG hugs to those in the Colonial 1st, 2nd, and DC 2nd Wards. Oh, and big hug to Dave Marble :)
PS) I saw the extra footage and bust up laughing at the end. Thanks for the laughs Rick and Andrea.
Love Rick. Want to win the giveaway!
To all of you who have posted such nice things about Occasionally Cake, thanks! Please consider ordering a box for yourseleves with the code if you don't win the giveaway and experience it for yourself!
Rick and Andrea were a blast to be around and I hope to spend more time with them both!
Awww, so in love with TMB! My honey-buns and I can't get enough! It's been so much fun for US talking about the steps of love, OUR future and how far WE'VE come in our own relationship as we watch Rick walk this road! Love it! <3 <3 <3
Mmm..cake bites.
BAh hahahaha! I love all of this. Andrea is my favorite. I may be biased though. :)
Give me those cake bites!!!! I've been off sweets since January 1st but will break it for one of those.
Yeah for cake! And congrats Andrea on a second date. Treat her well Rick.
I'm so glad I could witness his historic event ;)
She so has my vote!!! Go Andrea!
I think Andrea is so classy! And, I loved that Chef Sabrina asked the question we all want to, "who kisses someone 3 times and then doesn't pick them for a second date?"
oooo, yummm, send me some! She's worth traveling cross country for, so are the truffles!
Oh how I love Andrea. She is such a cutie. And I have to agree that she is very accomplished. Anyway, I want some treats but I also want to support Andrea!
Haha I love that her best personality trait according to Rick is her lips anyone else catch that? Andrea is beautiful and marriage material!
I am obsessed with this blog! Yay giveaways!
Props to Andrea for being a true lady and kudos to Rick for treating her as such! PDA is fine for a couple, but when you're just getting to know each other...well, good for you for keeping your standards :) I really liked what Rick said about not wanting to move too fast since she was such a classy and genuine girl (which, of course, is very true).
Rick and Andrea, Andrea and Rick....yep, has a really nice ring to it, don't you think?
Camerman for the date here. Let me give you folks the inside scoop... THESE CAKE TRUFFLES ARE FRIGGIN' DELICIOUS!!!
Cute girl and such a fun date!
That looked like a really fun date! Andrea you're beautiful!
Such a fun date :)
Awesome date!!Rock on for cake and dating :D
sweet :)
Amy sister of Andrea...don't you worry when I was following them around the monuments filming, I made sure to let Mr. Buck know that Andrea's birthday was coming up on Valentine's day! :) Hopefully he will put 2 and 2 together!!!
Fun date! Andrea is just the type of person I'd like to be friends with. She does seem genuine! (and I'm overseas, but if I win I'll have them sent stateside, of course)
Those look good I want to win!
Talk about a marathon date! I love the monuments at night! I think that is when they are most impressive. Will we be seeing more of Rick Buck in DC?
Cake me! Cake me!
mmm truffles~
Too fun!!! I was at BYU with both Rick and Andrea - guess they were there together but never crossed paths? Andrea is so awesome - it was fun to see what she's up to. Great date!!! Makes me want to go back to DC like crazy...
They are VERY cute together, but if Rick strikes out with her I have a fun friend that would be awesome for Rick too.
Bring on the TRUFFLES!
Gotta love Andrea!
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