Most memorable childhood moment - For Christmas one year, my sister and I were given a pink Barbie Convertible that we could driver ourselves. Being older and quite in charge, I would make her sit on the back so my best friend could have the front seat. I was such a brat. Don't worry, I grew out of it!
Your best physical feature - Is it inappropriate to say my butt? Yes? Okay, than I'll go with my hair. It's long, full and red. It tends to garner the most attention, minus the aforementioned asset.
Your best quality - I'm surprising. People can never quite pin me down. I'm a tad sassy (in a good way, not a rude way), which keeps people on their toes. I say and do things that are unexpected but always pleasant.
Why are you ready to find Mr. Right? - While this life stage has been fun, I'm ready for the next one. Plus, I've been in love with Mr. Wrong, and I'm over it. Let's just skip to Mr. Right, because who wants the broken heart that goes with Mr. Wrong?
What would your last boyfriend say about you? - He would say I am a lovable klutz, and honestly I am. On one of our first dates, I tried to jump on a love sac and ended up in the fireplace with the heat guard on top of me. No really, that happened. That wasn't my last mishap during our relationship, and I guarantee there will be more to come. He found it endearing, and I know someone else will too.
Most embarrassing moment? - I was living in NYC, and there was an impromptu soccer event where NBA players played pro soccer players. The streets were packed, and the police shut down the entrance with guard rails. I thought I could be sneaky and jump over them quickly before they noticed. I was half way over when the rail tipped with me on it. I crashed, and about 200 people turned to watch. In retrospect, climbing over a railing in a skirt wasn't my best decision.
Greatest accomplishment so far - My volunteer abroud. It was nerve racking to fly completely alone to Russia when I didn't speak the language. I lived with a host family, which was super awkward at first. Teaching English didn't come naturally to me, but I worked at it. By the end, I could tell I was making a difference those kids lives.
What is one of your quirks? - I hate feet. I can't stand when someones feet touch me. Random, I know.
Worst date - To tell the whole story would take too long, so I've opted to put it in list form for easier viewing.
1. Didn't call, but texted to ask me out.
2. Called me from me driveway and said "I'm here."
3. He asked me where to go for dinner.
4. When I said I didn't know, he said "Well I don't know the area, so you are going to have to tell me where to go."
5. He lived 4 miles away.
6. There was a forty min wait until we were seated. So, he asked me what I knew around there. When I said "There's a Barnes and Noble," he said, "Oh you like to read?" in a condescending voice.
7. He made multiple jokes about making me pay.
8. After dinner, he took me back to his place and made me watch Jacka**
9. He squeezed my thigh while making a joke at my expense.
10. He asked for a massage.
11. He offered to give me a massage.
12. He turned on Ultimate Fighting Championship.
13. He dropped me off on the street.
14. He didn't even put the car in park.
I wish this was an embellishment.
Best Date - My best date was to the Phoenix Art Museum. There was a dark room with mirrored walls and LED lights that flickered in colors and reflected off the mirrors; it was disorienting at first. We sat in the corner for an hour watching and laughing at people who would come in, be surprised and try to feel there way out. We discussed art, literature and music. There was an undeniable chemistry. I think sometimes the best dates aren't really about what you're doing; it's about who you are with or the connection you have with them.
What did you study in school and why? Where did you go to college?
I took a business marketing class in high school that I loved. So, that's what I wanted to do at BYU. After taking and despising all the business courses, I took an Advertising class on a whim. I loved it. I changed my major and never looked back.
What is one thing that not a lot of people know about you that you want to share here with the world? - I once had a dream that I was an anthropologist who travelled the world and wrote about dating customs and wedding traditions in different cultures. Since then, I've thought seriously about how to make that happen.
Best video so far definitely!!!! Love your hair!
good luck, meghan! loved your video, i'm rooting for you!!
I know her in real life, and she's awesome. pick her.
I shouldn't say this because some of the other girls are friends of mine, but this is, hands down, my favorite video yet. This girl is adorable.
This is the cutest video.. I don't know her but she is darling!
Oh, this girl's tons of fun! It'd be fun to watch her go out with 22 guys to find that Mr. Right, for SURE.
That was an awesome video!
yeah meghan!! i went to school with her, she's awesome.
love the video & the girl, you're a winner
OK, your worst date HAD to have been my son. That describes his personality and possible behavior a few years ago before he found Mrs. Right and got sealed in the temple. He wouldn't act that way now but I'll bet it was him!
My favorite video and her interview kept me wanting more. Super pretty and she sounds like she would be a blast to watch! All the applicants seem really cool, but she has my vote.
Loved this video! She seems cool. I hope she gets to be the bachelorette!
Meghan IS the total package. She is a woman of style, and more importantly, substance. Clearly, she should be the next Mo Bachelorette. Not to mention her video rocks - it's creative, entertaining and fun. Just like her.
Like so many other comments....LOVED this video! I like her classy style.
By far the best video!
What a creative video!!!! This girl has EARNED the attention she would get by being the Mormon Bachelorette.
Meghan you rock! Love you girl!!!
This is THE girl you want!
LOVE it! You are too cute! I hope you WIN!!
Not surprised by Meghan's amazing video. She is the real deal.
Meghan, you are the ALL-in-one package!! Hands down! Your video was amazing, and creative. I would have never thought of doing something so cute. Your experiences are hilarious!!! I CAN'T believe that bad date of yours. How you let it last that long is beyond me. I am sure that the RIGHT guy will be blown away by your skills, your personality, and charisma! Like everyone who knows you. You are ONE OF A KIND!!!
Love love love this!!!
I love you Miss Meghan, and I think you would be a fabbbbulous Bachelorette. Your video is adorable. The producers of this show would be lucky to have someone as beautiful (inside and out) and charismatic as you be their star!
Meghan would be fun to watch date 22 guys. Looks like you found the next bachelorette.
I wish I could date her. GO MEGHAN!
I lived with her in college, and she's awesome and super fun. Pick her!
I can attest to the fact that Meghan is incredible, in so many ways! Any man would be lucky to have the opportunity to date her!!
Good luck! You are gorgeous and funny. Done!
Oh, I LIKE her! She's cute and I LOVED that video!!! She would be a great pick...
That was the best video for sure!! Love ya Meghan!! And personally I think it's okay to say your butt is your best feature... haha :)
Could you be cuter?! Awesome video!! Your personality shines. Meghan, you should definitely be the bachelorette.
okay.... FAVORITE!
Look no further, you have found your next Mormon Bachelorette! Meghan is the real deal for sure:)
i met this girl once sometime in the past but have no idea when or where. And she's great!! You should win! (even tho i have no idea how this thing works or if you even 'win') :)
First timer to MB and have to say that after evaluating all videos. This is your winner!
As long as you can keep her away from writing typos, she looks like she'd be fun to watch. Especially if it involves polynesian dancing.
Meghan!!! you're so hot!
How adorable! You'll do fabulous, sweetie ... have to comment on "worst date ever" ... that IS gigantically horrible ... hope you can laugh about it now :)
I love your video. You look and sound like the perfect candidate for this adventure. Good luck!!!
Go GO Meghan!
She's cute! And looks like she would be fun to follow.
I don't know this girl, but her video is by far the cutest so far. Way to be creative and not film a video sitting on your bed. :)
I'm still rooting for Jane! She'd be just as fun to follow - cuz everybody loved her.
The contest is over and Meghan is the winner.
We are Meghan's Aunt and Uncle in Chicago, so there is no favoritism here. Even when she was young, we could tell that her spirit and personality would take her far. At that point, she was going to be either a ballerina or a lawyer. Glad to see that you selected advertising career vs a lawyer. So instead of being a ballerina, you do the grass skirt proud.
Meghan, don't worry about a thing, because we are from Chicago, we vote early and often here. Love you Meghan
LOVE THIS VIDEO!!!! good luck!
Good luck to you
Favorite by FAR! Meghan is IT! Please please please choose her and I will watch every episode! :)
Very creative. I liked your video a lot. It caught my interest immediately and kept it to the end.
Love it!!! Good luck!!
You know, I'm fairly jaded, but that was a great video. You're gonna go far, kid.
LOVE the video! So talented, and I think you would be the perfect pick. I know I would never be bored watching.
Meghan is beautiful, spunky, intelligent, and whole. Y'all would be sorely mistaken not to select her!
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