Age: 27
Hometown: Ridgecrest, CA - currently live in Bakersfield, CA
Job: Registered nurse in a medical clinic
What is your idea of a perfect first date and what the was the best date you have been on?: My idea of a perfect date is doing something where my date and I can interact. I believe you can learn a lot about a person by how they act in different situations. Actions speak louder then words. It's hard to decide on what's been my favorite date activity but I've narrowed I down to my top three. 1. He asked me out by making me go on a scavenger hunt. We went to an arcade and challenged each other for a favor. He won of course ;) 2. We went on a bike ride and then shot mini marshmallows through PVC pipes at targets. We were going to ride to an ice cream parlor but I ended up with a flat tire and we had to walk the bikes back. We then drove to the ice cream parlor and shared and ice cream. 3. We went to a park and colored in coloring books and then played hackey sack.
Why are you and Kent meant to be?: I haven't met Kent yet so I don't have much to go off of. From what I do know of him, he seems to have a love of the Gospel, he values education, and his family is central in his life which are all a priority to me. We're both confident, successful adults and I believe together, if things are right, we would be really great for one another.
That was a really cute video, cute girl!
Yeah, she's, ummm....
I love this! So glad she served a mission! And I like that she admitted that she doesn't know Kent. Kinda weird when the other girls say "oh we will be perfect together! even though I don't really know him!" Plus bonus points for using the song "Call Me Maybe".
LOVE LOVE LOVE this girl!
oh super cute girl! She should definitely be picked! Her video was super cute!
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