Most memorable childhood moment: How do you choose just one moment? Childhood was a very eventful time in my life. I think one of my favorite memories was when I was about 6 or 7 years old. My parents were just poor kids living in Vegas (they were both younger - and maybe poorer - than I am now). For family night we used to drive the strip, or drive to the edge of town to look at the city lights. One night we piled in the car like usual, with my uncle and his wife, to “go for a drive.” About 30 minutes in to the drive they started asking me if I wanted to go home. I wanted to keep going. All the adults were whining like little kids to go home, but I was insistent that we keep going! 2 hours into the drive, the roles reversed and I was ready to go home, but “no! lets keep going!” they insisted. 2.5 hours into the drive I was asleep. Four hours after we left my mom woke me, shaking my shoulder and saying, “Sara, wake up. Look where we are!” I opened my eye to find we had driven all the way to California to visit my grandparents and - thrill of all thrills - my aunt, who is a year younger than me. It was the best surprise and the best trip ever!
Your best physical feature: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Your best quality: Humility.
Why are you ready to find Mr. Right?: Recently someone said to me “We don’t marry the right person, we become the right person.” I love that. Life is a constant journey to try to become something better than we were yesterday. I’ve been on this journey for a little awhile. It would be fun to have someone to walk along
with. Journeys are always more fun when you have someone to share it with!
What would your last boyfriend say about you?: I am a sweetheart, and I’m decide what that means.
Most embarrassing moment?: I get embarrassed so easily. It is all the little things that make my most embarrassing moments. Like falling down every (and I mean EVERY) staircase at BYU....I even fell down a subway staircase in New York while a crowded platform of people just watched me. Every time was
mortifying. Me and stairscases - not friends. Those are the things that embarrass me. Fainting while singing in church - no big deal. Greatest accomplishment so far: I feel like a 21st century Elizabeth Bennett listing my accomplishments... Making it to -- single. That is probably my greatest accomplishment. I never aimed to be single this long. It was my dream to marry at 23 (hopefully to a 26 year old man). That was perfect in my young little mind! But being single a little longer than 5 years post-high school has given me a world of experience. I wouldn’t trade it for anything. I have learned so much about myself, aboutpeople, about the world - so much that I would have never been able to learn or experience if had married sooner. It is not what I would have wished, but I’m grateful it is what I have been given.
What is one of your quirks?: I had to think about this for awhile. I’m sure my friends could come up with some quirks for me, but the only thing I can think of is: I lick gum wrappers. I don’t know why. I put a piece of gum in my mouth, lick the wrapper and fold it back up. Weird. .....I’m going to stop doing that right now.
(but probably not)
Worst Date: I have had not the best dates for sure - everyone has, guys and girls - but I would hate for my worst date to read this and know it was him. Besides, my worst dates weren’t that bad....just an awkward couple of hours. I’ve had worse. The only thing I will say about bad dates is the difference between a
bad date and a good date is genuine thoughtfulness about the other person. Be interested in your date. Talk to them (you think that’s obvious, don’t you). Be conscientious of their time (marathon dates are rarely good). A plan is always good. Most importantly (especially for girls) always be grateful and thankful. Even if it is not the best date in the world, everyone appreciates being appreciated.
Best Date: A friend asked me out for my birthday one year. I had been out of town on my birthday so it had been kind of overlooked and he wanted to make sure we celebrated. We had never been out before so it was a fun surprise. He took me to dinner and then latin dancing (I didn’t know anything about latin dancing so thankfully they offered a class before). It sounds simple enough, but the date was so much fun! Every part of the date was great. The restaurant was amazing. Dancing was a blast. Every part of it was something new for me. But the best part of the date was realizing I didn’t really know the guy I thought I knew so well. I was discovering someone completely different than I thought I knew. That, to me, is the best part of dating. Discovering people.
What did you study in school and why? Where did you go to college?: I studied Humanities with an emphasis in Art History at BYU. I thought I’d go to BYU and study Accounting or Finance like the rest of my family, or maybe even do pre-med, but my dad encouraged me to study what I love. I am so grateful for that advice. It may not have lead to an obvious career choice but it has definitely enriched my life and led to fun experiences. I love Humanities. It is the study of everything I love about life - beauty and people. In Humanities you get to study people, eras, and/or a cultures through their art. You learn about how they thought, how they felt, what they valued, how they expressed themselves, and how changes in the world - changes in their lives - affected them. It is all expressed in their art. I never felt like I learned enough in college, so a few years ago I went back to school and received my Masters in American Fine & Decorative Arts from the Sotheby’s Institute.
What is one thing that not a lot of people know about you that you want to share here with the world?: They say not to judge a book by it’s cover. That is definitely true of me. I am not exactly what I appear to be.
uhhhhh game over. sara sara sara!
The blonde girl and drummer sold me. This girl is adorable and seems genuine. I don't know her, but I think people should vote for her!
She's my favorite so far- seems so genuine and intelligent. My vote is for sarah!
so i've been a lil' antiTMB (don't be mad) until now - and sara is reason enough to change my mind. WHAT A CATCHITTY CATCH CATCH SHE IS. and heather you make me lmao (mo style)
Sara Olds would be a fantastic Mormon Bachelorette! Case closed.
I love Sara!!! Pick her! Pick her!!!!
Sara is the best. She should def be the next bachlorette. Why? the first thing i think about is how compassionate she is. I specifically remember a night a couple of years ago when I was in a really sad place and just needed to talk to someone and Sara was my shoulder to cry on and listening ear. We went on a walk and she just let me talk her ear off and cry my eyes out. I love Sara. There aren't enough women like her, and I really can't believe shes not snatched up yet.
Hurray Sara!!
yeah of course she should be the next mormon bachelorette! there is no one more perfect for this and no one more deserving of such a great opportunity. trust me i know, i live with her!
Doesn't get any better than Sara. The Mormon Bachelorette would be lucky to have her.
Olds for president! Pick her!
Sara is awesome. I laughed so hard at that drummer at the end.
I know I'm in the running for this too, but I still have to say that this girl seems absolutely darling! So cute!
She's my favorite. Pick her. She seems extremely genuine. If you pick her can we see more of her friend in the glasses? She cracks me up.
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