Monday, September 19, 2011


In Ashley's Words:

I truly cannot express enough gratitude and thanks to all those who have helped me throughout this incredible experience. First to Erin Elton, Tristen Ure, and Aubrey Laidlaw for giving me this opportunity. Thanks to Denver Porter for his help in creating my application video – that man can make anyone look good! Check out the project that he’s been working on at I am grateful for Brad Burnham’s willingness to do my headshots – I am a huge fan of his work! Check it out at I cannot thank our incredible film crew enough for the countless hours they have put into this project.

I am so blessed to have the best family and friends you could ask for, who have helped carry me through this intensely wonderful experience. I especially owe a shout out to my Mom and Dad, each of my siblings, and many other friends who have sent me supportive notes, given me phone calls to check in, and have given me love and advice through it all (you know who you are!). I have so enjoyed receiving facebook messages and seeing comments from people who I do not know, but who have given me encouraging words and have often come at just the time that I needed them. Thank you for enriching my life.

I of course cannot neglect thanking my Father in Heaven for his infinite wisdom in placing me in the situations that have guided my life, that have pushed me to my limits of both sorrow and joy. He has brought me into touch with so people who have shown me how to be a better person, how to have faith and belief that no matter what, things will work out as they should. “Come what may, and love it” – Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin.

I am forever changed by The Mormon Bachelorette. Thanks for joining me on the journey.


Stacy said...

What's right is right... you will have your happy ending Ashley. Sorry it isn't just yet.

Megs said...

I adore that you were true to yourself and didn't choose anyone just for the show's sake!

The Cucurella Clan said...

Wow...speachless! Sorry Ashley, good luck and so glad that you haven't lost faith.

Cristin said...

Gosh, Ashely, maybe if you would have listened to Matt Laidlaw and stopped acting like a Beehive on your dates, you would have found a husband! JUST KIDDING! You're great, that was a dig at Matt, not you. You'll find someone super, just maybe not on a pseudo-reality website "show." Good luck in the future.

Kari said...

Oh Ashley! You are beautiful, and I think you won't have to wait too much longer until you find the man of your dreams!! Hang in there! And update us when you find him!

Anonymous said...

Classic GGB - Good Guy But...

Meagan @ Meagan Tells All said...

You look so beautiful in that video. It was nice to hear your honesty and I really hope you find that special someone. Good for you for keeping a great attitude and being true to yourself in the end.

Deveny said...

Good for her! I applaud her for not picking someone just for the sake of the show. This is more like life - it's not all going to turn into marriage. Wish her all the best!

Paige said...

Ashley, thanks so much that was GREAT! You are an amazing young woman.

Christin said...

I totally did not see that coming. My heart aches for her. I sure seem to know a lot of great LDS ladies who haven't found a companion yet.
I love how she's still so cheerful, grateful, positive, kind and selfless after what I'm sure was a difficult journey and a disappointing outcome. I've certainly learned from her and I know she'll continue to inspire other people. I hope she finds someone deserving of her soon! These guys just don't know what they're missing.

Erica said...

The hardest thing in dating is when you meet a great person but it just isn't there. I'm sorry things didn't work out for you this time, but your testimony at the end really touched me (another older single gal). Small consolation for you, but I thank you for it. Best of luck in your future!

Lydia said...

Ashley, I'm so glad you were able to see the positive in this even when it didn't end as expected. You are such a good example. You are beautiful inside and out. I believe you will be successful no matter where life takes you. Best of luck in the future :)

Wards said...

Oh how the audience (me) wished for a different outcome. I would like to mention a quote from President Thomas S. Monson given in the April 2011 priesthood session. The subject matter is one of the men of the priesthood delaying marriage for whatever reason.

"Perhaps you are afraid of making the wrong choice. To this I say that you need to exercise faith. Find someone with whom you can be compatible. Realize that you will not be able to anticipate every challenge which may arise, but be assured that almost anything can be worked out if you are resourceful and if you are committed to making your marriage work."

Granted this was given to the men of the priesthood but I feel that it does have some significance to all singles in the church. Please do not take this as a slam or ridiculing comment because it is certainly nor meant to be. This was just the thought that came into my mind as I was watching. I wish you the best in your search.

The Hoogland Family said...

So disapointing, but hey this is your life we are talking about here, you can't just choose someone just to choose! You are still young! Love your outlook on life, with that attitude you are bound to be happy.

Caity said...

You really did look pretty in the video. I was uplifted by your words too! You'll do great things, I'm sure. When you do meet Mr. Right I hope you'll let us know :)

Suzanne said...

I'm sure one of the hardest things to do is follow your heart when it seems to go against expectations of others. Ashley, I applaud your faith and honesty. Good luck with your future and all it entails!

Kristina said...

Ashley, I just adore you. You will find your prince one day. I admire your outlook on life.
You look beautiful in this video! What lipgloss are you wearing? so pretty! :)

LKP said...

so. much. respect. for you, Ashley. seriously!

often i'm sure some women in their dating lives hear the clock tick too loudly or that their time's running out. therefore they figure they've got to take what's offered to them. sadly, they figure they're not worthy of better. it's sad, really. settling should never be acceptable. neither should the pressure to settle. in fact, often the greatest of such pressure in the lives of young women is self-imposed.

women can be ANY age and feel that they'll never find THE ONE for them. some dear friends of mine are in their late 30's, even early 40's and have still not found their eternal companion... in comparison, i remember being a young single mom, at the age of 21 thinking i would be single the rest of my life and just skip marriage altogether. the answer to anyone in any of these circumstances is that in Heavenly Father's time, all will be made right. i adore the fact that you understand this. and i have every faith that you're correct in your thoughts that these two men were both good. however, settling for one good or another good isn't necessarily how Heavenly Father wants to see his cherished daughters plod along in life. no, in fact we've been taught that He expects us to choose the better part.

when there's not an obvious distinction of good - better - best (and its not visible even after much prayer) then that means the better part is still to come. :)

i'm excited for you and all you've learned through this overwhelmingly wonderful process. i'm grateful for the strong example you are to others, whether you realize it or not. we had a great quote from President Monson shared in YW on Sunday, "It has been said that history turns on small hinges, and so do people’s lives. Decisions determine destiny. That is why it is worthwhile to look ahead, to set a course, to be at least partly ready when the moment of decision comes." your seemingly minor decisions to you, have a large impact on those who look up to you.

continue to be faithful in your decision-making & steadfast in your decisions, Ashley. you'll not be led to unhappiness, but instead to sheer & eternal bliss. this i promise you. trust me. if there's someone amazing for me, there's someone even MORE spectacular for you!


LKP said...

just a few other thoughts, Ashley:

**you DID look amazing in the finale vid (well you always look amazing, but you were GLOWING this time ::shrugs::).

**courage. i forgot to mention that i appreciate your COURAGE. we need personal revelation. we can want it, live worthy to receive it, and ask for it til the day is long. but when it comes, courage is required for us to follow that revelation. especially if its sent us in an unexpected direction.

**lastly, (this'll sound silly, but....) i have a wonderful single brother... and a delightful friend, who has a dashing single son. so, there are DEFINITELY more options to explore! just sayin'. :) (please forgive me! i just needed to let ya know) ::hugs again::

Kari said...

I just wanted to add that the filming/videography, interviews, music and this entire production was a class act! It was very fun to watch. You all did an excellent job. I loved how you showed enough conversation to get a better glimpse of the dates. I loved the music you chose to go with the video. You guys are excellent at what you do! Kudos!!

The Judd Family said...

Ashley, I commend your dedication to your personal revelation and not trying to talk yourself into something that you weren't 100% confident about investing into. The Spirit spoke to you in ways we, the audience, were not able to perceive through the video postings and that's the long and short of it =)

High-five ('cross the 602) for your commitment to being a woman of virtue.

Angie said...

Just wondering if there might be a spark between Ashley and one of the camera guys? The last few videos have shown some flirty grins toward the camera. :)
Proud of your decision Ashley. Thanks for letting us all into your life. Best of luck!

Eliza said...

oh sad. I'm heartbroken for Ashley, but applaud her for not going with something that didn't feel right just for the show's sake. I can't imagine the pressure of that decision. Good for her for being courageous.

btw, Ashley I have been blown away at your eloquence and grace under pressure. All your interviews have been so polished and poised. You are a fabulous representative of the church, which I'm sure is a huge part of the reason you were meant to do this show.

and another btw, I'm a sociology major and love asking people questions,and in my very informal but professional ; ) poll, literally every single couple I've talked to has married the exact opposite of what they had pictured or what they had thought was their "type". just some food for thought. Good luck with everything, it was a pleasure to watch you!

Anonymous said...

you are 27 not 50!!! lighten up and have some fun. That entire interview was painful to watch and not fun at all.

For reals...quit acting like you are Sherri Dew and fine with being alone and never being married. Go have fun and quit over-analyzing everything. 27 is not old at all...especially outside of the Utah/Arizona bubble. Relax a bit and don't feel like you should know you are going to marry a guy after only 2 dates...guys sense that and will be put off by it. You are young, smart, fit and cute. Live your life and have fun and it will happen. No need to wait until you are 50.

pkcrapo said...

I am glad Ashley didn't settle for something that wasn't right just for the audiences' sake, but I do wish this season had been handled/broadcasted more like the others. It was clear we were watching dates that happened long before now when we reached the 2nd round. The "technical difficulties", other breaks between postings, and drawn out posting of the 2nd dates was a bit much & I now view those as buying Ashley time to make a decision & don't really feel like we were told the full truth of what was going on at the time. It would have been nice to have the season finished out like the others...Ashley had two guys she liked & could have chosen one to date further. The finale video should have been an update video, in my opinion. I'm not sure why it had to be a big secret that she was sure how it was going to turn out in the end. She seemed almost paralyzed because she didn't know the end from the beginning. I think all I'm saying is that as a viewer we're along for the ride (whatever the outcome) & don't really like feeling left out or mislead.

The Mormon Bachelorette said...

Kcrapo, just so you are clear, the break in time and delay in videos had absolutely nothing to do with Adhley's indecision. That was mere coincidence and lucky for her. Indeed we did have "technical difficulties" b/c our AZ film crew was unable to provide us with videos to post in a timely fashion. While we truly appreciate your viewership, we do not appreciate the negative assumptions. We all work very hard here atTMB to provide everyone with a positive experience. We hope you'll continue to watch and enjoy the show.


Unknown said...

I have looked forward to and followed every date online. I did not expect this ending either, BUT I have such high regard and respect for Ashley.

I am sure Ashley gave a lot of thought to this experience and what she's learned. I'm impressed with the conclusions she came to and did not find it painful to watch whatsoever.

Who knows what lies ahead. I predict great things for Ashley's future.

Jellybean said...

Ashley you are amazing! Not many people, in your situation, would have the courage to do what you have done. Many don't, under pressure, even without cameras.

I agree 100% with LKP. You are going to be blessed in so many ways, because of this experience. I know I have. You have set an example for everyone: Young, old, married, single, male and female.

NEVER, EVER sell yourself short. Each of us has to live with our choices and this one choice, for you, had to be made publicly. I know how hard it is to make that type of choice in normal everyday living, but to have to make that choice public for others to see, would make the decision to be true to yourself uber difficult.

To gracefully bow out, the way you have, tells me you have a good head on your shoulders and that you won't let anyone sway you to make a decision you are not comfortable with.

Were these gentlemen good men? I have no doubt. Would they make good husbands and fathers? Most likely. Are they upstanding priesthood holders? I don't think you would have asked them on a second date if you didn't feel so.

Many people believe that that is all you need to make a/an [LDS] marriage work. Just because two people are upstanding LDS members does not mean that they are compatible. Marriage takes alot of work as it is, so to discount personalities in the mix would be a grave mistake.

Ashley, I came across the video of Elder Wirthlin this last week and it is very inspiring. I am glad you decided to quote him. You have so much going for you. There is no doubt in my mind that you are where you are supposed to be. There will be plenty of time for all that "other" stuff. ;0) Time is relative in God's eyes.

If we could only comprehend what was in store for us..... It would definitely be easier, but then we wouldn't need faith. Hold tight to your faith and all things will come in the Lord's own due time.

I have enjoyed watching. I don't watch much TV because of all the filth. This has been a breath of fresh air. Please keep up the good work.

Monta said...

Ashley, thank you for letting us in on your journey and for being honest with yourself and us in the end. Dating is hard, it can be so fun and so hard at the same time. Just keep your eyes open, you're such and awesome woman it will all happen when it's meant to. Incidently to the crew I think you do an great job and I didn't feel mislead at all. I love the style of the videos and it's obvious you try to let them have as real a date as possible while being filmed. Oh, and I was curious Ashley why you didn't choose Jordan Miles for a second date? Just wondering because that date seemed to go so well and you seemed to have a lot of fun with him. Thanks again!

Miss M said...

I rarely comment on things like this, but I feel compelled to do so after watching Ashley's final video and reading these comments.

I, too, agree with the majority of those who've commented that, while this was not the ending I wanted for Ashley, I understand how she came to it. And without knowing her personally, I think she handled herself well.

Tom, I don't know what your experience has been with dating and relationships, but I'm surprised by your response. Having watched this season, Ashley did have fun. She appeared to genuinely enjoy her time with most of her dates. And she didn't say that because of how this all played out that she will get married at 50. Give a girl a break for pointing out that fantastic women sometimes don't get married in the time frame they expect.

Also, why was this last video supposed to be fun? It was Ashley's chance to explain what the final outcome was and how she felt, not entertain the masses. I think she deserved the chance to be retrospective, whether serious or not.

All the taped dates aside, I completely relate to Ashley. Dating is hard, regardless of religion or distance or other factors. I respect what she did. She put herself out in a way not many of us would.

Leo D said...

Thank you for another great season, everyone, and we of course wish Ashley and former suitors all the best. BTW, for those who had issues with any part of the production of TMB, let's remember that those who participate and produce the show owe us nothing. Viewership is free of charge, and the p[articipants are allowing us access to some very personal aspects of their lives which we should be grateful for. TMB crew, please realize that some of our comments were only tounge in cheek, and we all appreciate your hard work. Auf viedersehen!

Melanie and Jarom said...

Wow! You are so awesome. (I am the dance teacher on Ashley's second with Jace and Ashley's friend from BYU) and I just want to say, I really liked Jace but could see the need for perfection from both of you and it made me think if he would be the right one for you... so the fact that you came to the conclusions that you did, from my perspective, means you are highly introspective and intuitive. He is a GREAT guy and you are a GREAT girl but I think it turned out just right. You will find your match and it will probably be the person you suspect least. But I know that all the viewers are going to be telling their single guy friends about you so TMB just might play a part in your future still... Also- I would love for you to come speak to the Laurels in my stake too! What an awesome thing you've gone through and I agree that you are an amazing representative of the church.

TMB staffers were so great! The crew that came to my studio were wonderful and more importantly the product they put on the internet is quality. It was so fun coming along for the journey so thanks for putting yourself out there Ash! And man you did look drop dead gorgeous on that finale!

Heather said...

Ashley you are amazing and beautiful. You are a great example to women everywhere, married or single. I am sad that it didn't end the way you hoped, but I know there was a greater purpose for you to be the bachelorette that will come about in due time. Keep your head up and ignore the rude comments. They couldn't have picked a better person to be the mormon bachelorette!

Anonymous said...

Yes, it does take courage to wait, and wait, and wait for the right person to come into your life. Could it not possibly take MORE courage to risk abandoning the imagined right person for someone who does not match what you have waited for, but who has the right heart? Courage to plant the flower seed, not knowing what flower it will be, but knowing it will be a flower just the same. Beautiful. Fragrant. Satisfying. What is courage after all?

showysnow said...
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showysnow said...

First of all, I really enjoyed watching the show! My biggest criticism of it was that it didn't seem real, after all the first dates it appeared the guys were all very into Ashley, which would not happen in real life. But it was nice to hear that that wasn't the case. I just wish we would have known more details of who turn down 2nd dates (I know she mentioned Matt, but not one else). This is probably the voyeuristic part of me, but isn't that the point of the show, to peek into someone's dating life? Secondly, while I really like Ashley, she isn't really a saint for doing this show. I know 100s upon 100s of girls who would love an opportunity like this, they just aren't pretty, skinny or outgoing enough to even be considered. Just my two cents...

SamYam said...

Before the finale, I predicted Ashley would not end up with anyone by the end of the season. There were many guys that turned her down or were not interested after their date with her. To me she seems too guarded and pretentious to be able to let a guy into her life within the construct of this show. I'm sure she'll find success dating and she'll live happily ever after, but I was not surprised by this outcome at all.

SamYam said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kim Messick said...

I certainly enjoyed this season of TMB with Ashley. My heart goes out to her and everyone involved. I know that Ashley will find someone to love her, it just wasn't on this liitle show! You are a beautiful person inside and out Ashley! Thank you for sharing this journey with us and just keep dating! It will happen!

Our Family said...

I had this feeling she wasn't going to end up with anyone! TMB thanks for all you guys do! I have watching this great show online that doesn't have all the yuck! Keep it up if you can! I still love Aubrey and Matt- congrats on your little one!

Em-Cat said...


Every day, my 35 year old self wishes she could talk to my 27 year old self and assure her that it all works out for the best and by the looks of that video, you seem to already know that.

I got married at 31, and I'm so glad I waited. My husband wasn't ready for me any earlier than when I met him. He's the best husband in the world for me and a fabulous father. He's a faithful priesthood holder and is so dedicated to our family, but he wasn't active until just before I met him and didn't serve a mission. He went through the temple 2 weeks before we met.

All I can say is be open-minded, because there are great guys out there who aren't exactly who you envision being with, but who may be a great fit for you.

My husband had to go through some trials to realize that he needed to serve the Lord with all his heart. Once he started doing that, we met, dated and got married. You never know what the Lord has in store for you and this experience seems to have strengthened you.

Thank you for sharing your journey with us and thank you to TMB for giving us this great, wholesome glimpse into LDS dating. It's been such a fun ride and I look forward to future seasons!

Lizzy said...

Thank you Tom! Your comments summarized my feelings about Ashley. Lighten up and quit comparing yourself to material of that of a General Authority.

H said...

TMB, I am genuinely amazed by the time and talent that goes into this show. Thankyou for another season of entertainment, I enjoy tuning in. Honestly, this has been a rocky season. Sure, there were technical difficulties which disturbed the flow, but that didn't affect the actual content. The real issue to me came from some of this season's guys. I do have a couple of suggestions which you might have already thought of, but I think they could improve next season's pool of applicants:

1) Announce the next bachelor(ette) BEFORE accepting applications for dates, to increase the likelihood that applicants are specifically interested in the actual bachelor(ette) and not just the experience. Avoid applicants like one of this season's guys who applied to be on the show and then mentioned in an interview that he spent “like three minutes” skimming Ashley’s details on the website. Ashley’s looking for a serious commitment and dudes are turning up not having even made an effort to find out who she is. Similarly, by announcing the location of the season, we'll avoid people who aren't interested in a long distance relationship.

2) Edit out any PR for applicants. In Brad’s interview after the second date, he names the film he and – SURPRISE! – two other bachelors from the season are working on. It’s kind to give him free advertising by including that in the final product, but it sends the message to future applicants that going on a date on your show is a free, easy way to gain some free product promotion. Five dates from this season were occupied by three guys whose motive was self promotion.

There were too many guys who weren't there with the right intentions, further decreasing the chance that Ashley would find love amongst her dates. I'm glad that Ashley had the discernment to narrow it down to two guys who seemed to really be there for her.

Ashley, this outcome is not reflective of the awesome girl you are. From the start I didn't feel that this dating show was the right fit for you. I definitely relate to a lot of your dating characteristics - you are slow to warm up to these guys, and that is no fault, it just means that the bachelorette dating format isn't going to be right for you! And that is okay. You're going to end up with an awesome guy. You're fun and goofy and smart and young and beautiful, but you also seem quite serious, and tightly wound. Please, lighten up! Don't try to be perfect for everyone. You're good enough as you already are. I wish you all the best in the future.

Brettf1977 said...

I don't thing she is all that. I'm positive that she has a testimony of the church and that she has high values and holds to them. In that she is a good example and representative of the church.
In the show she seemed to be very superficial when it came to looks. I'm not saying looks aren't important but if you say that you have great chemistry with someone then don't you think you should give it a chance? How many time are men told that looks aren't everything? Ladies it goes both ways. Also out of the 22 guys that took her out 2 of them at least according to her turned her down. She is the one that turned down the other 19, so those guys aren't missing anything it her that is. Now there are some guys that made it to the show that well I didn't like but that's going to happen for the most part I thought TMB did a good job but, I would agree don't bring on three friends to date the same person again. Anyways, I know I'm the bad guy but I just hate it when the nice men and women get overlooked becuase they don't fit the looks department and then we use the excuse will I'm not going to settle.... For those saying I'm not going to settle you all need to read Tristen's article "You are so Arrogant" and rethink the difference between settling and being picky...
I would like some follow up on Jace and Aaron and there feelings about how it ended... I would like to know if Jace feels It's not the right time in his life like Ashley said or if that is just Ashley's opinion.

BreeAnn said...

I am so sorry things didn't work out how you may have thought they would. You are a beautiful, smart, sweet person ( from what I have seen,since I do not know your personally) and I think your Prince Charming will come along soon. I also think you would be a GREAT speaker and someone for young women to look up to! Just keep doing what you are doing and it will all work out, just as you said. :) Hugs!

Unknown said...

TMB: Your first season was a lot more interesting. Brevity is king online. But this season was superior in filming and editing. Somewhere in the middle for next season, perhaps?

Even though this is called the Mormon Bachelorette, I felt like "the gospel" was being forced down the viewer's throat in a very assumptive manner. Guess what? Not all Mormons talk like we're bearing our testimonies after a date, we don't all like BYU, we don't all live in AZ or UT. This season felt a little heavy-handed. Your first season was successful because it was FUN. I feel like TMB might be jumping the shark a bit. Hopefully not.

good luck.

J. Guest said...

It broke my heart to hear the news about Matt. You really almost made me cry in front of all my classmates as I heard the news.

Major props to the guys for making the trip. Congratulations to TMB for an increasingly successful series. Cheers to Ashley.

Paige said...

I don't agree with Anna M. at all. I loved when Ashley talked about the gospel and I feel like she was a very good representative of an LDS person. This season was the best yet. No one can force a relationship to happen. It's the chance she took. Great job TMB.

Anonymous said...

Lame. This season took FOREVER to unfold, and for what? for her to decide that it just wasn't right this time? I don't even have to step outside the boundaries of my ordinary routine to hear that kind of story. Very anticlimactic. Ashley seems like a nice girl, but she needs to relax. She's still a good 20-30 years before she's in Sheri Dew/Sister Oaks territory. Geez. You guys really capitalized on all of the media and hype to give a very bland final story. Congratulations.

Mysterious Pirate said...

I liked it better when the dates were shorter, more fun, and contained less footage of the Bachelorette talking in circles about her feelings. (Oh, and I liked the cute interviews of observers of the dates... I miss that too!)

That's just my opinion for the film crew, but I wish Ashley the best! She seems like a great person. Keep us updated!

Em Levy {orange + barrel} said...

Thanks for letting us peak into your life. I really hope that you meet a wonderful person.

Unknown said...

How in the world does her not picking anyone have anything to do with settling? This is JUST dating. Not a desperate job interview plea to get married.

The ENTIRE point of dating is that if you liked someone and had a great time, then continue to hang-out with them. That doesn’t necessarily mean that you are going to marry them. It just means that you had a great time and that you can be friends, and continue to have fun together. Who knows? That physical attraction could grow.

Besides, at the Young Women’s conference date that she went on with Alex, she said that she believed in Attraction, Beliefs, and Chemistry. She weighs too much thought on how handsome a guy looks. I mean, come on! She liked Alex for goodness sakes. She obviously doesn’t believe in good communication, nor does she have any. People want and need to have other conversations other than religion.

Anyways, if you want to find love, you have a take a chance and not over analyze every detail. Just have fun and stop pushing for marriage. It will come much sooner than you think.

Anonymous said...

Ashley, Ashley, Ashley!! I agree with those who have posted that you're putting too much expectation into dating and finding "the one". You even said yourself that you never know what can come out of a first date. What could have happened if you had put some time into one of your final two picks? Without cameras, without pressure, just the two of you. I understand that it was hard to date on camera and that TMB didn't show all your conversation, but I feel like you weren't really putting yourself out there. You were just being polite and communicating superficially. To me, Aaron was an obvious pick. You two connected the most. He was sweet, attractive, has a great job, and open to you. I really feel sorry for the guys on this show because none of them had a chance. I really hope this was a good experience to help you reflect on what you REALLY want in life. Do you want to find "the one"? Then open up and give someone a chance!! I think you really missed your chance here. :(

Brettf1977 said...

@5b30e80e-b23e-11e0-b2d3-000bcdca4d7a so I read your comment and I agree with you. At the same time you need to listen to the interview she said that she has seen them both since there last dates. I do agree she thought she needed to find a husband instead of someone to date. One of the biggest things I have noticed about all of us when it comes to dating is we tell people what we want, but becuase we aren't attracted to what we want we go after the wrong things. Ashley said on a lot of her dates that she had good chemistry and good conversation but wasn't physically attracted to them. I agree I feel bad for a lot of the guys on the first dates they didn't stand a chance because she put physical attraction over everything else.

April said...

I'm not sure how any of you think it's your place to criticize.... Keep it to yourself.

Natalie said...

I think you're just swell Ashley! It was very apparent to me that you stayed true to yourself throughout every one of your dates to the very end. Not once did I ever feel disappointed by any of your decisions. You included various sides of the gospel because that is what we as LDS women rely on and use as our rock in times of hardship, as everyone very well knows, dating can be. It had nothing to do with TBM. It was you. And I love that. You'll find someone who will reach out to you and pull you in. They'll break down your walls and compliment you in more ways than one. I think you are wonderful and any one would love to have you as a friend or companion. Stay at it girl.

Karalenae said...

I've been following this all the way through and was way sad that Ashley didn't get her happy ending. It will come though, because she seemed to be such an amazing person. I admire her as a person and think she is an inspiration to all us single LDS ladies. Sometimes it just doesn't come when you want it to and that's ok. Greater things can come from this, and you can continue to be happy where your life is right now. Just like Uchtdorf's talk at the Relief Society broadcast.

Heather Jones said...

I missed several dates, but for the most part I watched this season and I loved it! Great job TMB! Ya'll really are amazing! Of course I was slightly disappointed. Ashely you are beautiful, fun, smart and I am super jealous of your hair and that necklace. Anyways, I am glad you went with your heart, but I wish you would have chosen someone to just get to know better. You are NOT old.......AT ALL. Good luck in life. You will find the right guy for you and you wont have to do it under a camera. Frankly, I would be petrified. Pretty sure I would have cried and quit the show all together, maybe even ran away to another country.

TheSinglesWard said...

We say... well we probably shouldn't comment... but not surprising... good luck Ashley...

LisAway said...

Goodness, I probably shouldn't have read through all those comments. Fortunately Ashley is smart enough to know her own worth and good enough to forgive some of the nonsense people have written here.

Since I'm a million years late in finishing this season, I really hope Ashley is finding herself closer to her happy ever after! (well, of course she's closer. Every day is closer to something that's coming, right?) Best wishes, Ashley!!

Lee Ann said...

Thanks for staying true to your heart. You really aren't very old!! You have plenty of time to find the man of your dreams. We wish you the best- you are a darling girl. Update this site when you find the perfect guy!