Friday, September 9, 2011
{ Second Date: ASHLEY & BRAD }
A BIG big thank you to Chris and Joe at Western Destinations for a true western adventure for Ashley and Brad. These legit cowboys know how to show you a great time in the wild west! They have all sorts of activities to choose from.
In Brad's Words:
Things started out rough. I've never gotten up so early for a date in my entire life! I went to her house around 4am. I was really tired and quite worried that I was going to be sleepy for our entire date. I had no idea what was in store for me. We started off with a three hour drive, which at that hour, is brutal! Actually, I really do like road trips when the company is good, and she kept me awake. She really is pretty entertaining.
We drove out to the middle of the desert and met up with some cowboy. He was a total character. When we pulled up, he was sitting in a folding chair, right beside his truck. Oh, and he was playing the harmonica. Classic cowboy move.
As soon as he saw Ashley, he jumped up, and shouted a good "HOWDY!!!". We all jumped. He stood up, hurled his chair through the air, and started walked towards us before it had time to land in the bed of his truck. We got a good laugh out of that. Right then, I knew we were in for a good time.
Then the cowboy took us to his ranch. It was awesome! He explained that we were going to have a few competitions. That was music to my ears. I am always up for some good competition. One thing that I really like about Ashely from our first date, was how competitive she was with basketball and skeeball, so I knew this would be good. Life is much more fun when you have someone that can challenge you.
Our challenges included tossing hatchets at some wooden signs, and shooting clay pigeons and cans. We taught those cans a lesson or two about being shot. We even had to do the old fashioned stand off/show down to see who could "draw" first, and shoot the other person.
I thought it was a great date for us. Since we only get one date (2 if you're lucky) we have to spend some quality time together. I really liked Ashley's ability to just have fun. I wish we had more time to really get to know each other. As it is, we were just able to scrape the surface. If this is that last time I go out with Ashley, I will be disappointed. The one problem I foresee with Ashley, is that I fear that my life style is a little too different from hers, and what she wants in a guy. As a filmmaker, each movie is like starting a new business. That takes a lot of work. I am afraid that she would kill me if she had to start putting up with my crazy, ever changing schedule. But who knows… Maybe she will grow to love it!
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i love brad (and jace). i wish you the best of luck. you deserve the best! :)
oksy. i made it offical for me. i vote brad. :)
can i just say that Ashley's driving is...SCARY!! i think in almost every date that they've shown her driving she has her hands off the wheel a lot. 10 and 2 sister!!! anyway, that is all. oh, and i think Brad is great!
I don't see it. Jace was better.
I am afraid Ashley would drive Brad crazy with her liking to talk a lot - as she said she does. I didn't especially like these two together.
Loved this date! I think it was by no mistake that Ashley chose to take Brad on such a long date!! 3 hours of driving just to get there? And I find it curious that Brad said he didn't have enough time to get to know Ashley, that could be either good or bad. I'm guessing good though! Ashley seemed like she was just waiting for Brad to hold her hand or put his arm around her. And then she seemed really into him. Seemed it was a good date, but that there was something missing. Not sure what? They each have the family singing thing in common! I'm interested to see who Ashley picks for her third date!
This does not seem like a match to me. I felt like he asked questions, but was not actually interested in listening to her responses.
My prediction....Rudd or Jace :)
So, is it weird for anyone that Brad, Erik and Tadd are all members of the "Baby Cute Boys"? I think they're all charismatic and funny, but are they doing this for the right reasons or just to promote themselves? Hmmm...I don't know. I really liked the date with Brad, he seemed really sincere, but he might just be a good actor. I don't mean to be a "Debbie-Downer," it just seemed kind of funny to me. I hope for Ashley's sake he's sincere.
I agree with Em-Cat's observation. I find it weird as well. Maybe last minute stand ins? I like Brad and think that Ashley and Brad get along well, but I was a little put off by him on the first date due to the promotion of his new movie coming out. Regardless of his intentions it made me a little skeptical. I can't wait to see who she will end up with in the end.
No door scene? He didn't really seem all that in to her...
I think it's interesting that so far three out of these second dates are obviously not there to see if they could have a relationship with Ashley. But they are good eye candy!
And Brad, according to your write-up it sounds like a sugar mamma is exactly what you need! But yeah, not what Ashley wants I'm guessing.
so far, I think Jace is best.. we'll see
He seemed way too into his pie for there to be much chemistry there. More like friends hanging out.
My pick is still Mike for Ashley! I have more respect for the guys who don't expect a kiss just after the 2nd date! Call me a prude, if you want, but basing if there's chemistry there on a kiss just after a second date isn't the way I'm judging. Ashley, seemed to enjoy Mike's company just as much to me as Jace. I think this whole show is fun to watch, but to expect someone to find the perfect match after 2 dates is ridiculous. A relationship takes times to develop and no one should be hurried in the dating game. Dating is hard enough as it is!
My vote is still for Mike! Call me a prude if you want, but I have more respect for the guys who don't expect a kiss after just the second date! Chemistry shouldn't be based on a kiss!
I also think a relationship takes a lot more time to develop than just after 2 dates, too! I realize that she isn't expected to marry the guy she chooses for the 3rd date, but what if she still is unsure about a couple of them. I think she seemed to enjoy the dates with Mike just as much as with Jace. I enjoy watching this show, but I think it's ridiculous how quickly they expect her to pick someone! Dating is hard enough as it is!
I am so happy to hear you like the music. We were lucky enough to get talented artists to DONATE their songs to our show. Most of the music is available for download, or will be available for download in the near future. Right now, Drew Danburry is offering his ENTIRE LIBRARY for free on his facebook page!
Here is a list of the artists that you can find on itunes:
Brian Baer
Courtney Cotter
Seve Vs Evan
Midnight Vitals
Matt Weidauer
The Vibrant Sound
Em-Cat I've had the same suspicions! It seems sketchy to me when there is a lot to be gained from the publicity... Hopefully Brad isn't leading Ashley on.
I love the music this season too! THANK YOU Mimi! And since some of (or all) of the video crew read these comments I want to say that you guys ROCK! You've taken this show to a whole new level. And whenever I hear you guys in a clip it's always funny and entertaining. Even though I know you're "behind the scenes" it makes me want more of you!
I thought there was chemistry with Jace, and definitely a lot of attraction with Brad. I think they are both great guys, however, I think Mike deserves a closer look....
Words from Drew: "I recently posted the ENTIRE Drew Danburry discography up for download for anyone who wants it. (I'd suggest "Goodnight Dannii", and "Apache, The" if you haven't heard them or don't know where to start)"
Hope that works. :)
I know it might be too late, but you should post about the MOTAB 9/11 broadcast today. You can watch it at 12:30 pm, 3:30pm, 8:30pm and 11pm MST still today at BYUTV. All you have to do is register (which is free), and you can watch it. There is also the CES fireside tonight by Elder Oaks at 6 MST. I am sure they will mention it there as well. Plus the fireside is great for all YSA.
Believe me, I'm not a hater! I love TMB! But please, please, please - EDIT, EDIT, EDIT!
He's a handsome man, as Ash has said, but he doesn't seem that into it. All the qualities, characteristics, etc in a relationship mean nothing if both parties don't think they're the lucky one. She seems way more interested and he just kinda seems to be along for the ride. A bit early though, so too tough to call at this point.
To be fair... that wasn't just pie. It was amazing biscuits and gravy!!!! It looks like I was eating the whole time, but that is just a small short scene in a huge fun day. I think they should have shown more of the ranch. We had some serious competition out there.
ps... Kristina and Kari- thanks for the votes! :) But I agree... there are a lot of pretty cool guys I'm up against. So, who knows what will happen.
And yes, the sound track is always awesome! Good Job MB crew!
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