Thursday, October 7, 2010


22 Dates ... 22 Bachelors ... 22 Men trying to win Aubrey's heart... Please enjoy this season recap so you can relive the magic of Aubrey's journey of love.  Over the next 24 hours, cast a vote to see your favorite Bachelor enjoy Date #2 with Miss Messick...


Unknown said...

Larry! I've loved following along on your dates -- thanks for including us. :)

Stephanie said...

Matt Laidlaw!!!

Oyama Family said...

To the staff: Please spare Aubrey and the rest of us the pain/annoyance of another date with the Wilford joke! If he somehow ends up with the most votes, please move on to the next in line, Please :{ Other than that I vote for Larry!!

Laurie said...

I liked David Shepro and Larry.

Erika said...

My predictions for the final 8: Larry, Dane, Matt, Jon, Jason, Andrew, Dallin, & Rick. Larry was my favorite. Dane and Matt tie for second.

I've had fun watching your dates! Good luck in your decision!

Pete said...

I vote for Dustin Monroe.

Julie Standley said...

I'm so glad i ran across this blog a few weeks ago. I'v loved it so far.
My husband and i enjoyed following you around on all those dates! Crazy my husband actually served in Roseville,Cali and ended up seeing a few familiar faces.
Any who let the voting begin!!
top 5!
2. of course Larry
3. Matt laidlaw
4. Rick Buck
5. Jason Oliver

Good luck with your decision Aubrey!

Green River High School said...

I was pulling for Matt, then Dane... and now I have to say that Larry has my vote. After following all these dates, you were absolutely beaming during the interview. Good luck with everything. Props to the staffers for doing a wonderful job as well!

Kim Messick said...

You are one crazy girl! How are you going to pick just one guy from these amazing men!!!? I have my vote, but it's a silent one - good luck honey!

Hizzeather said...

Can I be team Dane, Larry & Dusty????

The Good Life said...


Karla said...
