Thursday, July 28, 2011


Hey there loyal TMB followers! Thanks for sticking with us through this brief intermission as our Arizona crew puts their finishing touches on the second half of Season 3 with our lovable bachelorette, Miss Ashley Chapman.

We're excited to bring you even bigger, better dates, with more excitement than ever before. But before we get on with the show we're giving YOU, our loyal fans, an opportunity to be a part of the show!

Have you recently started a new business and are looking for a great way to spread the word? Or perhaps you're already well established and looking for a new crowd to come your way? We can help! Advertising with The Mormon Bachelorette is simple and easy. Just send us an email at: and we'll tell you everything you need to know to become a sponsor on the 2nd half of our show. It's an opportunity you won't want to miss, so send us an email today!

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