I knew I was off to a good start with my date Pete when we both chose to wear purple shirts for the night. Purple is the color of royalty and since the royal wedding was this year I think it might be a good omen. I liked this guy’s style. I know that men aren’t always fashion savvy, and trust me, I don’t want a man who’s more concerned with his clothes than I am, but I can appreciate a man who does know how to dress well. What’s great about Pete is that he’s not a metro pretty boy, he’s just a guy that knows how to buy a good shirt. I promise it’s possible for all men to figure this out.
Pete took us out to Phoenix for dinner at Delux Burger. Once more the power of the internet was manifested, as he’d just found the place online with good reviews. I am a girl that can definitely appreciate a good slab of meat so I was stoked on the fancy burger joint. I liked that we had a love for food in common, and that we’re both slightly foodies - this is a quality I have been looking for in a husband.
Over dinner I learned that at one point Pete was a salesman for a cell phone company. I didn’t really see him being a salesman, given his laid back personality. He didn’t seem like the type that would get in your face and convince you to buy something. But as I looked at him, I realized that he did look like the Verizon guy in all the commercials…dark hair, tall, black rimmed glasses. Okay, okay, I could trust what Pete told me to do.
I was excited about the next portion of our evening – we were going to the Phoenix Bat Cave! There is a flood control tunnel behind a school that is home to 5000 bats. As the sun sets, the bats begin to leave the tunnel to go forage for the night. I was impressed by Pete’s 'outside of the box' thinking for this one. I was also impressed by his thought in bringing a flashlight for the walk back from the tunnel. It’s the little things that say a lot. But watching the bats was really interesting. They move so fast that every time you tried to put your eyes on one, you’d lose focus and sight of it. At least I couldn’t pull it off!
When we arrived at the house Pete was staying at, there on the kitchen counter were all the ingredients for home made Oreos, perfectly set out and waiting for us. Once more, the attention to detail really stood out to me. As I’ve said before, I like working side by side on a project together to see if we will be compatible as husband and wife. Pete was patient and trusting that I would do my part correctly, but he was confident in taking the lead on making the cookies. Our only flaw with the cookies was perhaps overcooking them a bit…other than that they tasted great and they looked so pretty. I thought we made a pretty good product together and also made a great team!
I felt really comfortable around Pete which is one of my number one requirements. He’s unassuming which allows you to just open up and enjoy the moment. I feel like I didn’t really get to know Pete and all that he has to offer on our first date though. He said himself that he doesn’t think a first date really allows you to get to know someone. I agree that a first date only gets you so much of a glimpse. But it has to be a glimpse that makes you want to see more. I want to see Pete in a different setting, perhaps one that includes even more adventure to see if we can enjoy that together.
I love Pete!!!! Maybe I am a little partial since he is my brother:)
The was a very creative date. I like the looks of Pete!
Sounds like a fun date! If only there had been fake accents . . .
And where was the Whole Foods Parking Lot song?! Ha, kidding. Here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2UFc1pr2yUU
Thought the written description was great for this date!
BOOOOORRRINGGGGG. They are both perfectly nice people but there are no sparks here. I think the only guy Ashley has actually been into so far has been Matt.
I love that he's a linguistic major... that's what I'm studying.
Ashley, Ashley, my dear. Where do I begin? Well, I've known Pete since he was 10. (That rhymed - take note of my wit.) And let me tell you something...anyone who takes you to a bat cave is worth another crack. Michael Keaton did it to a girl...Christian Bale brought a girl to one...oh, wait, did I mention that Pete Howe did too? I'm Pete's film director friend, and look...I know Pete better than his underwear does. This guy is worth your time. Whether you're worth his or not, I still haven't figured...sadly these filmmakers didn't really afford us audience people much time with you on Pete's date...but you need to hop on this and go for date #2. I'll plan it. It will involve explosives. And more bats. And you need to watch Pete the Pirate for a true taste of Pete's skills. You need another date. Pete's charms are still hidden like maggots in a cadaver. So woman up, put on your CSI gear, and go digging once more.
ps...I'm stealing access to this site through somebody's blog username. Apologies. I'm not Shawna. I'm a man.
How cute, I love the fact they both wore purple :D I think that was a perfect first date, food, nature, baking... How fun! VERY Creative! Great first date. Next date can be more adventurous... push the limits a bit. They seemed to be very comfortable with each other...
I agree with Angie's comment above. Nice guy but I don't see a big connection.
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