Sunday, July 3, 2011

{ DATE #3: Tadd Sorensen }

From the minute I met Tadd, I knew that this was not going to be a dull night and BOY was I right! He’s a ball of energy that knows how to get a laugh out of people. The car ride to dinner was filled with witty comments and creative responses, although I could never tell if I was getting the real Tadd or not. I was excited when he told me that we were going to his favorite sushi place in town. Though Tadd lives in Orem, Utah now, he’s from Gilbert, Arizona so he knew of a great place to go.

I love sushi but had never been to Sushi Kee before. It’s always great to be able to get a new menu of sushi rolls to pick from because each restaurant has something special to offer. With dating being such an integral part of my everyday life through this Mormon Bachelorette process, I continually see parallels in my experiences to dating. Let me explain how I saw it in this situation. There are a lot of sushi restaurants. With that distinction, we automatically put those restaurants into a particular category and can make certain assumptions about what each will be like. But once inside and looking at their specific menu, you realize that each has a very different list of special rolls, and spins on classic choices, things you might have never anticipated. In dating we can easily find out a particular “label” that goes with the person we’re on a date with. We may then put them into a box of sorts and forget to look at their individual menu, their life experiences and preferences, and not realize that they have a lot to offer. And sometimes what they have on their menu isn’t exactly for us, but it’s going to be precisely what someone else is looking for. But that doesn’t mean that they aren’t worth a try, and that you can’t enjoy the experience.

How’s that for philosophizing? I digress...Tadd picked out his favorite sushi rolls and I ventured out to get ones that looked a little out of the usual. I figured we could enjoy trying something new together. The rolls were all very good. My favorite was the Sushi Kee roll – Tadd’s top pick. Good for them for giving their namesake to their flagship roll that lived up to it! And I was impressed by Tadd’s selection of rolls. I could certainly bring him along for my next sushi outing!

After dinner I was still kept in the dark as to what our activity for the night would be. I heard mention of Mill Avenue, but nothing beyond that. Mill Avenue is the hot bed of entertainment for ASU students. It runs along the edge of campus and is filled with restaurants, clubs, bars and interesting stores. This is the kind of street that musicians and street performers flock to on a weekend night. The next clue I got was when they said that we’d be meeting the film crew in front of The Hippy Gypsy. The name was vaguely familiar, but I still really had no idea what this would lead to.

As we walked up to the store, I noticed a PA system setup and “soap box”. The pieces were starting to come together and I realized that I would most likely be getting up on that soap box, but for what, I had no idea and I was not looking forward to it. Tadd finally let me in on the fact that we would be preaching the importance of dental hygiene to the people of the street and passing out tooth brushes – flash mob style. Now I am a fan of watching flash mobs on youtube, and though I have performed many many times in my life through song, dance and drama, I had never expected to be part of a flash mob myself and instantly felt self conscious and fearful. I am comfortable in a crowd, but not in front of the general public when I’m not prepared for it. It was clear that this was Tadd’s element though and he jumped right up, grabbed the bull horn and proceeded to preach his message to the people of Mill Avenue. I tried my very hardest to confidently tell stories to supplement Tadd’s speech when he turned to me looking for a personal experience to share. I’m not sure I pulled it off, but I certainly did try.

At the climax of his passionate speech, Tadd got the group that had gathered around to join in an impromptu chant. He certainly knew how to rally a crowd around him! I could tell that Tadd was soaking up every minute although I still felt really awkward at this point. I definitely give props to someone who is confident enough to do what he did, holding nothing back, and just putting it all on the line. I’m sure that quality will help him to accomplish a lot in his life - probably not with me though. I’m grateful for people like Tadd who create entertaining YouTube videos for me to watch with my friends, as I’m sure you are too! Who doesn’t love a funny YouTube video?


Tristen Ure said... make me laugh...and so does that Affliction shirt! xoxo

Lexi Wallis said...

Ok he is hilarious!!! Seriously so funny!

Cami said...

This guy is hilarious!I couldn't stop laughing.

Uaintdown said...

i'm hiding my face in embarrassment for ash right now. not even a "one date wonder." this was a "one date disaster."

Janey said...

Tadd is nuts. And hilarious. Poor Ashley!

Seth Johnson said...

Funny funny funny

Julie Tomoser said...

Sorry Tadd, I just wasn't feeling any "true Mormon love" connection between you and Ashley. I didn't like the "soap box" activity at all. It was awkward watching, I can't even imagine how uncomfortable Ashley must have felt. What a good sport she was though!

LDSHD said...

Season Four Bachelor!

Our Family said...

No need for guys for this show! They have the upper hand!

Dawn said...

Ashe-I loved that top you were wearing! I'm not so sure about Tad.

Spencer said...

yeah! no room on this totally serious show for a guy like tadd! he's a disgrace to all mormons! and guys! and mormon guys! i mean, he didn't even wear a polo! his shirt had SKULLS! this guy is bad news. i bet he isn't even mormon. ash, you can do SOOOOO much better! i hate tadd sorensen!!!! you're an idiot!

Unknown said...

Um, I wanted to punch this guy in the throat 2 minutes into the video... he's trying WAY too hard.

krista said...

Does he remind anyone else of Steve Carell?

Caity said...

Come on people! He was HILARIOUS! And by far the most entertaining date I've seen on this. I'm pretty sure he knew he would terrify her, but it was great to watch. My husband and I laughed the whole time.

Caity said...

And also, I bet he wasn't mean once on that date, but some of these comments are. And if he was mean, Ashley needs to write about it!

dereklastima said...

this guy was WAAAAAY more entertaining. the other dates have been so boring. at least this kid had some life. get real and stop taking this thing so seriously. she's got how many dates? one that was actually different and not your cookie cutter mormon sweetie pie date is alright.

though i will agree they totally aren't right for each other. he needs someone with more personality.

Kim Messick said...

I am just wondering how serious this guy really is? And only bikers are allowed to wear Affliction shirts...

Sarah said...

Tad was hilarious! Probably not the one for Ashley, but so stinkin' funny. Loved the date! He seems like a nice guy.

Katie said...

He would be the perfect person to be friends with... but probably not in a serious relationship with. He seemed super fun and very nice though. I really liked that he took her out of her comfort zone, it was original and it made me laugh.

AJ Candrian said...

I thought he was hilarious. I would have laughed the whole date.

LAURA said...

This was awesome, loved it! he makes for some good tv, although I've loved watching the other dates too.

Ali said...

Awww, don't be such haters. He was perfectly cute. totally unique - HILARIOUS! Bad comments by others don't reflect anything on him at believe anything else is not the "mormon" way. There's a place for us all!!

Geoff said...

This was pretty hilarious, but unless we are all victims of editing, I didn't see much in the way of a connection between the two. Hilarity does not a sound relationship make.

That said. He got the guy to floss on the street. So strong.

Justin Williams said...

I thought he was pretty entertaining and seems like a good genuine person. Not so sure about a couple people who made some of the comments on this post though. If anyone is making anyone look bad it is them...

Jeffrey Charles Jackson said...

affliction......way to make an immediate fashion statement out of the gate!

smithb said...

Funny. I hooted loudly a number of times. Still shaking my head.

Kholkerfamily said...

Regardless of those defending him, I was creeped out and felt very sorry for Ashley. Maybe he was trying to be funny, but I didn't get it, I was too creeped out.

The Jake said...

Perspective. People can look at this date in a variety of ways. I chose to see Tadd as the token comedic character in all Disney movies. I laughed a ton! I know Ashley is truly here hoping to find an Eternal Companion, but I think a non-serious date could be a relief now and then. Tadd didn't seem to take it seriously, but rather was just being a funny guy & having a good time. I don't think he was looking to waste Ashley's time or make fun of the show either. Hopefully Ashley saw that early on, called it a wash, and had fun with it.

Rachel said...

I love this guy! So funny!

Laura said...

Haha. This guy was my favorite by far so far. So funny.

Anonymous said...

alright tad is the bomb! He is sexy, dresses awesome (including the skull shirt). Notice how on half the other dates they record the food and play a ton of music, but on Tad's they put him talking because he is actually interesting. Ashley just didn't get his humor. Come on! He is totally the best green eggs and ham, and I would totally give him a taste...or two. She doesn't belong with him though, I belong with him. I definitely have a sweet tooth for him.

Erin said...

Tadd is hilarious! I laughed through the whole, entire date. I especially loved his dedication to Wikipedia. He's almost through it, guys! Ha ha!