Friday, July 22, 2011

{ Reality Behind Tadd and Ashley }

Blind dates can go either one way or another - in Tadd and Ashley's case they were the "other".  Many of you saw their date as a fun evening with two great but very different people.  Tadd's awesome sense of humor and Ashley's ladylike manners and poise definitely clashed.  Even though it appeared that they had a good time despite their differences, there was something else going on behind the scenes.  Enjoy both Ashley and Tadd's thoughts about the most controversial date of this season so far.  We are pleased to say that things work out for the best and both are doing great now - getting to know people different from us builds character afterall:).


Caity said...

I still think he's HILARIOUS! And I would have had fun with him. BUT, I'm used to being in embarrassing situations :) Tadd would be the funniest Mormon Bachelor ever. I think you'd actually convince some men to watch if he was. I'm a fan Tadd! But I'm married, so I won't be adding you as my friend on facebook.

Renee said...

Tadd for next Bachelor, please.

Sarah said...

I agree! Tadd for next Bachelor. That would be some good fun to watch :)

Sara Borg said...

Tass is radd. If he was the next bachelor I'd go out with him.

McCall & Kimberly said...

Aw Tadd was my favorite so far! I don't think he did it to be a jerk...I think he really thought it would be fun! Tadd for Mormon Bachelor!

Brettf1977 said...

First of all you told him NO, good for you there is nothing wrong with that. Could you have said it in a politer way I don't know maybe we weren't their. But just for any women dating out there, don't give a guy the line I'm really tired and just want to go home. Cause if the guy likes you he see's it as, "oh shes tired and wants to go home, so we can do it another time." When we date we aren't going to like everyone we are going to go out with. Just tell them that you don't want to go on a date with them so they bug you over and over and you don't waist their time. Guy's don't get hurt cause they are told No they get pissed becuase they are told maybe and you really mean NO.....

Steph said...

Yay for Tadd being the next bachelor! Hahah, so funny!

Unknown said...

Does Tadd have a lot of sisters? Or perhaps he used those "thousands of dollars" he accepted from his friend to pay these women to say he should be the next Mormon Bachelor. Tadd may be able to deliver a clever line or two, but he is not husband material.
For me it wasn't the fact that he took Ashley to a busy street corner to make fools of themselves it was the weird dinner conversation they had before that turned me off.

Unknown said...

Brett makes a very good point. I don't believe in wasting a guys time either. Ashley's curt answer made her feelings clear. Tadd didn't have consideration for Ashley's feelings by involving her in an activity that she was obviously uncomfortable with, so why should she concern herself with his?
What Tadd also didn't consider is that Ashley is a professional, she lives and works in the area. Ranting on a street corner wouldn't be good for her rep. Being a free wheeling guy, he probably doesn't understand that.

daniel said...

mobach come back!

Spencer said...

if tadd's the next bachelor, sign me up. i'll have his dessert!

annie don't be mad he didn't ask you out. i'm sure he would if you expressed how much you crush on him.

RicksAustins said...

Just because someone has a sense of humor, doesn't mean they aren't "husband material". Some people are a little uptight.

Patrick and Jennie said...

I like him. Personally I find Ashley boring and he helped break up the blah. He definitely should be the next mobach!

whaleman said...

additionally Tadd is "so cool" so anyone who can put that out there is stepping outside of the box and embracing the vulnerabilities that limit us all.

Geoff said...

I'm a little tired of this whole "Tadd is MoBach's Bentley" thing they are trying to do.

I have no idea if he is husband material; and while his humor got a bit stale after awhile, I was more amused by him than on any other date during what has turned out to be one big snore of a season.

Anonymous said...

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!! tadd you make me laugh SO hard! I LOVE YOU! and ashley, seriously getting embarrassed in public sucks, but get over it.

whaleman said...

In the words of Harry Connick Jr. "the best is yet to come"

Erin said...

i think tadd is hilarious. ashley is a great girl, i know her from an old ward- hi ashley!! their personalities just totally don't go together- that's all- it happens. i think tadd would make a GREAT bachelor because he's SO FUNNY.

Yung Nani said...

ive known tad for a a while now and he def is way different from that girl lol

i think a better match for tad would be someone more spunkier and a little more fun!

ashley seems like a really wholesome and old school conservative kind of woman.

they are just on different levels energy and personality wise!

Jeff said...

My prediction - he will get a part in an upcoming mormon flick (Single's Ward 3?). This guy is funny stuff! I'm going to facebook follow him now - hope others out there will help me get him to 300 friends!

I'm a man, btw. So, of course I think this is funny. Ashley should invite him back.

Tadd Sorensen said...

I heard that the Tadd character was just CGI and not even a real person. Great animation and special effects THEMOBACH!

Unknown said...

"that bites" -Ashley
