Happy 4th of July! We hope you enjoy fireworks with your family while we prepare to show you some sparks with Ashley and her next Bachelor tomorrow night. Happy Birthday America!!!
Loved the quick and final comment, "And he's got to be spiritual." That's great missionary work right there. Ashley, you are awesome for making that such a big priority and voicing it. Way to stand for something.
Smash, you are fabulous! Have you ever considered a profession in front of the camera? You, my dear are a natural. Good luck on the decision making!
Loved the quick and final comment, "And he's got to be spiritual." That's great missionary work right there. Ashley, you are awesome for making that such a big priority and voicing it. Way to stand for something.
Great interview!!
Way to throw in the most important 'spiritual' plug in there at the end! :) Keep up the good work Ash!
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